Solid Vox people
Yesterday was the Solid Vox meeting. On the agenda was the end-of-year fanclub event and next year's development.
Somehow, we're gonna do two fanclub events outside of Tokyo within the year! That's our goal.....please wait for it.
And, we took commemorative photos with the company employees, and did this and that, etc...
Well well, today is the JAM Project press conference. I'm nervous! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
We're ready. ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Yesterday, the JAM Project made several things public.
The release of our first original single. The domestic tour for that.
And, the world tour that we'll do from summer to fall.
And the theme of all of this will be "No Border."
How it'll work out business-wise, I don't know. But, we're going to rush towards the dreams we announced.
We'll worry about the consequences afterwards. We're ready. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 10/30/2007 and 10/31/2007
Posted by
4:40 PM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 10/30/2007 and 10/31/2007
JAM announcement!
I did...
the JAM Project announcements and press conference.
Reporters, normal people who were watching, people who got excited for us, thank you!
[pic] 1
It was comforting. (^_^)v Good work, everybody!
We talked about the sale of the original single, and the Japan live tour, and the overseas tour, etc...
From now on, I'm gonna be busy, huh?
I'm looking forward to it!
I'm thankful that I could receive this great chance in this wonderful, awesome place, and we and I are going to think seriously about what we should do and do it.
I'm going to do my best to live without regrets.
There's no time to rest on my laurels.
In this one short life of mine, so that I can have a great smile on my face until the end
so that everyone can smile
I'll sing!
Please continue supporting me! \(^O^)/
1 It's the new JAM Project logo!
Happy Halloween!!
Today is
[pic] 1
Even if you make that face,
I won't give you any candy.
Since you're cute
I'll give you some after all (^_^)
[pic] 2
1 Did you know that Endoh's dogs' names are Pocchi and Chamame? You did? Okay.
2 *gag*
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 10/28/2007, 10/30/2007, 10/31/2007
With a smile
I recorded "Smile"!
Finally, under the amazing fall sun, I completed the vocals and the chorus. Also, I'm so happy to have recorded my own melody and lyrics!
Also, we took the jacket picture that I thought we'd take the other day today, behind schedule.
We only had a short break in the recording, but I think we took a pretty good picture...I look like the 4th-ranked host in a Shinjuku host club. (LOL)
This picture is my delighted smile ("smile 1") in the car on the way home after recording.
1 Here he writes "スマイル," (sumairu) "smile" in katakana, as opposed to "笑顔," (egao) "smile" in Japanese.
Going by train
Yesterday, we began our secret recording in the morning (LOL). Then there was a meeting about the new song in my office. Then the Solid Vox meeting ended. Finally, I went to the studio and worked on the trackdown for "Smile."
Anyway, today is JAM's press conference. I'll try not to stutter. (LOL)
It's finally over...
Yesterday was JAM's shocking 2008 press conference and information session.
I was nervous like I usually am at press conferences, but yesterday I could see the faces of all of JAM's supporters and I could relax more than usual. Thank you! In 2008, JAM Project will try our best to meet everyone's expectations. Of course, because everyone likes songs and anison...
Also, I've been working on the song that's due today all day. Right now it's a little before 1:00 A.M...I made it in time, somehow. The monthly solo live rehearsal starts tomorrow! Ah! Next
month's new song...... (;´ー`)┌ ....I'll do my best.
Posted by
3:55 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Monday, October 29, 2007
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 10/28/2007 and 10/29/2007
Jack and the Beanstalk, continued continued continued continued
This is my message bean now 1
He's growing well (^_^)v
Seriously, how much longer is it until this thing is full-grown... (LOL)
Sometimes, when I get home from work, his leaves are withering.
When I hurry up and give him water
In less than five minutes
Hey hey
Holy cow! Amazing!
In the blink of an eye, he's back to normal!
He's easy to understand (*^.^*)
It's going to be getting cold, but he doesn't seem to care.
I've already known him for more than half a year.
I want him to keep growing stronger and stronger.
1 This is a plant that Endoh received as a present. He's talked about it several times. It keeps growing bigger and bigger and it now is devouring his window. Between the monster plant and the typhoon with strange properties, it kind of sounds like Endoh-san is living in a science fiction anime...
(Continued) Let's play air guitar!
Today, when I went to my office,
The new "Rock Tamashii" had arrived. 1
In this one, "Rock Tamashii Greatest Hits VII,"
I sang The Beatles's "Getback" and The Rolling Stones's "Jumpin' Jack Flash."
If you're interested, definitely give it a try!
But...hey you, you sad, hesitating person!
It's okay!
With this "Rock Tamashii VII," it's easy!
Just shake this "Rock Tamashii" around like crazy while my song plays! (LOL)
From now on, you're a superstar too!
Please consider it! (^_^)v 2
1 "Rock Tamashii" is this game thing that plays music you're supposed to hold it and play air guitar...I don't get it. But Endoh sings some of the songs for it.
2 "4649" can be read "よろしく" ("yoroshiku"), which basically means "please be nice" but is difficult to translate to English while still sounding natural.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 10/27/2007 and 10/29/2007
Ray (^▽^)V
At yesterday's recording, the program's regular band that I played "Cha-La Head Cha-La" with knew the song. (^▽^)VIt's a band called "Rey." One of them is Nabe-chan's, Endoh's band's guitarist's, protegee. He came to AJF and to my 30th anniversary live. Nabe-chan introduced us and we got to know each other.
So, during a break in recording we were talking about a bunch of things, like they said that they're all from Kyuushuu (one is from Beppu, one is from Miyazaki, and three are from Kagoshima). They all just graduated from a music school in Hakata this spring, and they're only 21 years old, and they love anison, and in their lives they do covers of my songs and JAM's songs....
Anyway. I especially like the vocalist, Kenta Harada's 1, earnest demeanor and smile. Also, his voice is still immature, but from that, he can pull out and emotional and hot-blooded song. (Like Hikarudo 2)
This is a picture of yesterday's upbeat rehearsal. Even though it was a rehearsal, there were still guys pumping their fists in the first row--isn't that kinda fake? (LOL)
Even though it was a rehearsal for a show, everyone got really excited for me. It made me really happy.
The real show was even more amazing. The audience heroically packed into the Astro Hall. (^▽^)V
I almost forgot that I was being recorded. Incidentally, I also forgot the lyrics to "Soldier Dream." (LOL)
Of course, the girls were cute, as opposed to how "yaoi girls" are usually thought of. Also, Hanawa is an unbelievably good person. I honestly hope they call me again.
1 I'm not sure about this name.
2 Ricardo Cruz
Am I really a sun man 1??? ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Hello hello, this is the man in charge of the typhoon. (* ̄▽ ̄*)
Yesterday I performed the second part of my school festival circuit under the autumn sun. I went to the (arbitrarily chosen) Chibakeizai University.
I only went to high school, so I think campuses are pretty nice.
If I hadn't become a musician, I wonder what college I would want to go to and what I would want to study?
I never think about. (LOL) I can't imagine having a different life. (LOL)
But, at yesterday's talk show, the talking was more important than the singing. They kind of just wanted me to keep saying something...(LOL)
Right now, I don't hide much of my private life or my past and I try to walk on the path of a "single-minded life," so I could speak frankly.
Since the time when I was about 21 years old was the time when I was the most nervous about the future, it wasn't a bad thing for me to talk about that time in my life. My old, unexperienced, helpless self was stupid but cute. (^▽^)V
Then, I sang "Cha-La Head Cha-La" and "Heats."
The speciality school I sang at before also wanted "Heats." I wonder why? Maybe it's this generation...anyway, I'm happy.
At the entrance, the school's executive director, Mr. Ishii, was told "JAM Project" by an older student. It looks like it's the first time he'd heard of me.
Yeah, it's all because I entered the JAM Project. I'm happy that I'm the eldest member. (^▽^)V
It was a short time, but it was an important experience. Everyone at Chibakeizai University, thank you so much!
However, Mr. Ishii. There's no way I could eat these huge bento boxes by myself. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
1 There's apparently a joke among the anison singers that Kageyama is an "雨男" (ameotoko), or "rain man"--that is, his presence causes rain.
Posted by
2:27 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 10/27/2007
No. 20
A typhoon's coming
I can't walk my dogs...
Even though it's going to be November soon, there's a typhoon.
Even the experts couldn't predict this typhoon. It has some kind of strange properties, Morita-san said on TV.
Is this the beginning of an era where a lot of unpredictable things happen...?
Even in the midst of that kind of thing, I want to have time to enjoy life...
People who live in places that are going to be affected by the typhoon, be really careful! ( ̄人 ̄)
Posted by
2:49 AM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 10/26/2007 and 10/27/2007
Niisan's curse?
Yesterday, even though I was completely exhausted and went to
bed after 3:00, today is still the same old routine.
I got up at 7:07... (;´ー`)┌
Is Niisan cursing me somehow?
An old-man curse? From the west1? (LOL)
Today is finally "Danny's2" first recording. So I wouldn't forget,
I've been making preparations since the morning. It's such a pain!
I hear that we're also taking the jacket cover photo. Of course, it'll
just be me. (LOL) I think... (ha ha)
I'll carry everyone's smile and singing voice along with me, just like
at a live! I'll do my best!
1 Sorry, I don't get the reference...
2 "Danny's" is the band that Kitadani is performing with for his
solo work.
What's with this rain? (;´ー`)┌。。。
It's raining soooo much...it must be because of the typhoon, huh?
Well, yesterday was "Danny's" first recording. The 20-something
youngsters made the studio work fun. (By the way, the studio's
assistant engineer was 21 years old, too.)
I'm so proud of all the band members. It's a little different from
playing live, huh?
The year since we formed (LOL) seems like the blink of an eye! All
it took was, "1, 2, and..." and we recorded! It must be because of
the monthly lives.
However, it makes me feel like things how good Hideki's decisions
are and the scene at recording are unimportant, appearance-based
Also, Kouhei's elegant grand piano playing and profile are so cool
that why he doesn't have a girlfriend is a mystery... (ha ha)
Also, because I've had two days in a row of sleep deprivation, when I
went home and started drinking, I just passed out. (LOL)
Well, tomorrow we're recording the vocals for "Smile"'s chorus. I'm
going to go record an awesome song!
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 10/26/2007
12-hour course
Yesterday, I took the wrong bus after all...(LOL)
I expected the bus to Shinbashi I hopped on to go to West Azabu,
but it went to Mejidoori...┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
So, I got off at Tengenji, and walked to West Azabu's On Air
It was closer than I thought. I arrived in 15 minutes. (^▽^)V
Then, we recorded for 12 hours, until the middle of the night.
While we were shown the potential new JAM Project logos and told
about ideas for new goods, we finished recording "朱羅姫".
Throughout, I directed everyone loudly. Even Fukayaman 1, who
doesn't deal well with extreme situations. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
And, without realizing it, I apparently fell asleep...
All in all, it was a long, great day.
Recently, even when I'm not home, I drink Chinese tea.
These are Chinese teabags I received from a fan.
Health is the most important thing. I love to sing.
Everyone, look forward to "朱羅姫."
1 Yoshiki Fukuyama
Hanawa recording
It was women's yaoi night! 1
That's what I thought when I went there. But actually, it's a
program for GyaO! 2
I'm such an idiot! (*/ω\*)
The recording's gonna start soon! I'm gonna sing!
Hanawa 3, thanks for looking out for me. You're such a good
person!!! \(‾o‾)/
1 ???? I'm so confused.
2 This? I've never heard of it before.
3 I don't know who this is.
Posted by
7:51 PM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 10/25/2007 and 10/26/2007
10/25, 12:15
Lost Child (LOL)
I'm heading off to the studio for today's JAM Project recording. But, since my car recently entered the hospital (LOL), today I'm taking the bus. I'm waiting~! But for today's studio, I have to take a connecting bus. Where's the next bus stop??? Eh, it's okay. I'll just get on one randomly. Ha ha ha. o(^_^)o
10/25, 21:21
"Shuraba de shuraba!" 1
I'm in the middle of the JAM Project recording. The show is "朱羅姫."2 I wrote the song. Makkun 3 wrote the lyrics. Also, I guess I'm supposed to do the arrangement? Whaaaat? Is that gonna turn out all right, if you do it? ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏ That's what you're thinking, right? ( ̄ヘ ̄)凸 4 Well, when they said, "Go ahead and try it," I was the most surprised person. (LOL) But, I was told that they wanted a chaotic arrangement like Lazy 5 has. Ohhhh, that's why they picked me! That makes sense. Hey, wait a minute! (LOL) Well, I'm off to do my best at eating my yakiniku bento! 6
1 "Vermillion princesses lined up at the scene of the carnage"?
2 ???
3 Who is this?
4 I love this smiley!
5 The band Kageyama debuted with
6 Grilled meat boxed lunch
10/26, 00:53
In the middle of the night....
Recording the chorus!
I just fell asleep! (●´∀`●)/
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 10/25/2007
This JAM...
Is done!
This time's song parts were new...maybe.
Niisan 1 will do the arrangement.
Also, he's playing a really cool guitar part.
During the recording, everyone was in high spirits. (LOL)
The moody A-melody, the magnificent B-melody, the driving,
crackling, cool, elegant melody.
Yeah, JAM is the best!...
1 "Big brother," i.e. Hironobu Kageyama. Remember this, we're gonna see it a lot.
Posted by
10:22 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 10/25/2007
Run? Walk?
Today's studio was in West Azabu
You can walk there from Shibuya in about 15 minutes...maybe...
So I decided to walk to the studio!
It was the first time I walked that way, it felt good v(^o^)
There was some fresh scenery, it felt good v(^o^)
And the weather was good, it felt good v(^o^)
As a bonus there was a nice breeze, it felt good v(^o^)
I've been walking for more than 15 minutes...
I'm still not there?
I'm not even halfway there?
I misestimated
I'm gonna be late...
So I'm gonna run!
Before I sang, I sweated a good amount (^_^;)
I was tired...but
Because of that, I was nice and warmed up, and I could record
today's song well
Good thing, good thing
I'll do my best tomorrow too!
Everybody, good job today!
1 Endoh pretty much always ends his blog post with "おや睡眠,"
(oyasuimin) a pun on "oyasumi" (goodnight) and "suimin" (sleep).
Posted by
10:12 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Break Out - JAM Project (translation)
Lyrics: Hironobu Kageyama
Composition: Hironobu Kageyama
Arrangement: Ken'ichi Sudoh
"Break out"
Full of passion 1, blazing showtime
Red hot soldier, speak! 2
Barely make the deadline! If you're not good enough, there will be no survivors!
Steel heart soldier, tens of millions of burning hearts
Pursue the light beyond the darkness
At max speed, fall through the Milky Way! Rock on!
Break out, break through, and then go across time to the future
Violently, strongly, hotly (Hurry up Rock'n all night)
I don't know why there's such a thing as limits
I have love, alright. So I'll burn!
Just all ready Let's count down 3 2 1 Go!
Oh Oh Oh Oh Super Robot Wars
"Lights out!"
Roaring thunder, the final storm
Decide who the king of soldiers is!
You can't pass on the title of Top Gun. The Super Winner has the glory
Time's running out! Sink or swim, counterattack!
Carve your name into the legends!
With your max fight, grab ahold of victory! Rock on!
Break out, break free and charge the power sleeping deep in your heart
With endless love! (Hurry up Rock'n all night)
If you get injured, no no cry!
I won't give up, OK! I'll transcend it!
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Pursue the light beyond the darkness
At max speed, fall through the Milky Way! Rock on!
Break out, break through, and then go across time to the future
Violently, strongly, hotly (Hurry up Rock'n all night)
I don't know why there's such a thing as limits
I have love, alright. So I'll burn!
Just all ready Let's count down 3 2 1 Go!
Oh Oh Oh Oh Super Robot Wars
Japanese lyrics source: アニメソングの歌詞ならここにおまかせ?
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
1 Usually I try to retain the capitalization and spelling of English words in the lyrics (see "Garimpeiro"), but this one drove me insane and I had to fix it. ("No Surviver"? "Don't know Why"?)
2 "吠える" ("hoeru") - to bark, yip, howl, etc. like a dog
MP3: Here ya go!
Posted by
7:22 PM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, translation
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Re:START - 遠藤正明
Lyrics &Music: 遠藤正明
Arrangement: 鍋島圭一
たちこめる嵐に 立ち向かって 突き進め
もう迷う暇なんてない 覚悟決めて
守るものはひとつ さぁ 時は満ちた
目の前の壁なんて ぶち壊せ It's hurry up !!
何度倒れても 諦めないで
見上げた 蒼いこの空に 狙いさだめ Winning shot !!
高く Fly High !! Sky High !!
俺が俺で在るために 自分の空へ
真っすぐ Fly away !! Cry away !!
決して 忘れちゃいないさ
夢の続きは Just go my way !!
いくつの季節も 当ても無く 繰り返し
色褪せてく景色をまた 見送ってる
立ち止まった時間 決して 無駄じゃないから
本当に大事なモノ 解った It's growing up !!
ずっとフリーズしていたエヴリディに ケリをつけて
リセットしたら 始めよう 狙いさだめ Start over !!
早く Fly High !! Sky High !!
明日(あす)への扉 抉じ開けろ
翼広げて羽ばたけ 自由な空へ
今すぐ Fly away !! Cry away !!
涙 吹き飛ばして行こう
決して 終わっちゃいないさ
あの日見た夢 Just go my way !!
高く Fly High !! Sky High !!
俺が俺で在るために 自分の空へ
真っすぐ Fly away !! Cry away !!
決して 忘れちゃいないさ
夢の続きは Just go my way !!
Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: japanese, lyrics, masaaki endoh
Re:START - Masaaki Endoh (translation)
Lyrics: Masaaki Endoh
Composition: Masaaki Endoh
Arrangement: Keiichi Nabeshima
Stand up to the storm raging around you and push through!
There's no more time to hesitate, so make up your mind.
There's one thing you have to protect...Now, you have no time!
That wall before your eyes...tear it down! It's hurry up!! 1
No matter how many times you fall, don't give up
Aim at that blue sky you looked up at--it's a destined winning shot!!
Up high, Fly High!! Sky High!!
I'll go faster than the wind!
Because I'm me, I'll go to my own sky!
Right now, Fly away!! Cry away!!
I came in a roundabout way but,
I'll never forget it!
The rest of the dream will Just go my way!!
No matter how many seasons I spend with no purpose, over and over,
Once again, I say goodbye to that faded scene.
Because time spent standing still is never useless,
I figured out what the most important things are. It's growing up!!
End those days spent frozen
And reset! Let's start! Aim--it's a destined start over!!
Soon, Fly High!! Sky High!!
Pry open the door to tomorrow!
Spread your wings and fly into the free sky
Right now, Fly away!! Cry away!!
Blow your tears away, and let's go
It'll never be over!
The dream that I dreamt that day will Just go my way!!
Up high, Fly High!! Sky High!!
I'll go faster than the wind!
Because I'm me, I'll go to my own sky!
Right now, Fly away!! Cry away!!
I came in a roundabout way but,
I'll never forget it!
The rest of the dream will Just go my way!!
Japanese lyrics source: The "M.e." album booklet! I couldn't find the Japanese lyrics online...good thing "M.e." is one of the few Japanese albums I own legitimately. (Shh, you didn't hear that.) Anyway, I'll post the Japanese lyrics for you.
1 This song also has a bunch of weird English, but unlike "Ticket to the Paradise," it's romanized out rather than in katakana, so that people who don't read Japanese can look at the Japanese lyrics and see that I'm just copying the weird English rather than constructing awkward sentences (well, I do that too).
MP3: Here ya go! I'm gonna go back tomorrow and upload MP3s for the rest of my translations too. Because I love you.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Labels: lyrics, m.e., masaaki endoh, mp3, translation
Friday, October 12, 2007
HEATS - Hironobu Kageyama (translation)
Lyrics: Hitoshi Haba
Composition: Tetsuo Kudoh
Get fired up! Someday, you'll definitely catch hold of
That future you dreamed about.
Get going! Without looking back,
Survive the cold night.
Something was crying out in my heart, but
I pretended not to notice.
I was battered by heavy rain and wind,
And my heartbeat called me awake.
It's true, and I can't forget it.
This way of living is too frantic.
If your blood rushes and burns,
That's all you need.
Get fired up! Until you burn up,
Reach for a fantastic future!
Run ahead! Without averting your eyes.
Make sure that you're living!
The meaning of freedom, or the reason why you can't sleep...
You won't find those in a crack in a building. 1
Use your thirst to awaken your savagery!
Break free from desire.
Nobody can hold on to
The throbbing in their chests.
How long can I do it?
That's the only thing I want to know.
Get fired up! Long for a pulse;
Burn up like a flame!
Get moving! Without getting confused,
Start acting like you're going to change the world.
Get fired up! Someday, you'll definitely catch hold of
That future you dreamed about.
Get moving! Without looking back
Pass the cold night.
Get fired up! Until you burn up,
Reach for a fantastic future!
Run ahead, without looking away.
Make sure that you're living!
Get fired up! Long for a pulse;
Burn up like a flame!
Get moving! Without getting confused,
Start acting like you're going to change the world.
Japanese lyrics source: goo 音楽
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
1 I was stuck on this line for a long time (自由の意味も 眠れぬ訳も / ビルの隙間じゃ分からない). It's probably completely wrong, so don't quote me in an argument, if you happen to be having a "HEATS"-related argument.
MP3: Here ya go! (Live version)
Posted by
1:49 AM
Labels: hironobu kageyama, lyrics, mp3, translation
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Garimpeiro - JAM Project (translation)
Lyrics: Hironobu Kageyama
Composition: Hironobu Kageyama
Arrangement: Yohgo Kohno
1 HEY YO! What happened? What a surprise!
With that teary face, you'll get beaten!
There are moments when my heart lifts up. I don't ignore them, my friends!
Because there's no such thing as a "chance,"
Rise up now! Let's go Boys & Girls
Face the stormy wind and walk on!
You say Yeah! I say Yeah! Alright!
Wake up your soul, keep your heart the same
We're going to exchange our injuries and our tears now;
We'll definitely get stronger! We're not losers 2!
SOMETIME someday, definitely, we'll look back on today
That day will doubtlessly come
There were moments that burned my heart up. I won't forget them, my friends!
The chains that cut into your body,
Cut them off now! Let's go Boys & Girls!
We're gonna stand up to those formidable, incredibly thick walls of society
You say No! I say No! Get away! Don't suck up to authority!
Charge up your anger
Reality's like this, my situation is like that....we don't need those kind of excuses!
We just want to protect freedom! We're not pet dogs 3!
Hello lost boys, somewhere in this universe
There is an El Dorado 4 no one knows about,
A legendary Zipang 5 Let's go Boys & Girls
Face the stormy wind and walk on!
You say Yeah! I say Yeah! Alright!
Wake up your soul, keep your heart the same
We're going to exchange our injuries and our tears now;
We'll definitely get stronger! We're not losers 2!
Japanese lyrics source: Ghaleo's Blog
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
1 "Garimpeiro" means "prospector; one who searches for gold and jewels" in Portuguese.
2 The word they use here is "makeinu" (負け犬), which is literally something like "losing dogs."
3 This word is "kaiinu" (飼い犬), which connects back to the "makeinu" of the previous chorus
(see note 2).
4 El Dorado is a mythical city of gold that appears in a South American legend. Hence,
5 Zipang is one of the names used for Japan. (Marco Polo called Japan "Zipang," according to
MP3 of "Garimpeiro"!
Should I post more MP3s? I need feedback! Tell me what you think in the comments section!
Posted by
11:34 PM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, mp3, translation
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Ticket to the Paradise - Anipara Ongakukan All Stars (Hironobu Kageyama, Masaaki Endoh, Mikuni Shimokawa, Psychic Lover Yoffy) (translation)
Lyrics: Hironobu Kageyama
Composition: Hironobu Kageyama
Arrangement: Ken'ichi Sudoh
My adrenaline is about to explode. Big bang express 1!
The story is starting strong.
Soaring into the atmosphere with one push,
It's a limit-defying dive through the cosmos.
With the compass deep in your heart, take the wheel.
The future we are headed to
Has no limits! Go! Go! Go! Hurry to the paradise!
At the edge of this wide universe 2,
Let's go search out our dreams! Joyful wonderland
Your goals, and tomorrow's weather, and the goal of your journey--
We don't want to know!
You don't need answers!
A place that nobody knows about is our paradise. Oh yeah!
I took a risky bet! Good luck? Bad luck?
Laugh at me, I'm a joker.
Everyone should have a big chance! Welcome! You're lucky!
You're a dark horse
If you believe in a mysterious power, you have infinity
We're making our way with our own hands.
Our creed is that we don't know our limits!
Check it! Check it! Check it! Aim for paradise!
Let's go to the distant Milky Way
To find our future! Miracle wonderland
Fame, and diamonds, and powerful positions--
We don't want them!
We don't need anything!
Thrills and excitement are our adventure:
That's an important attitude
Ticket to the paradise
At the edge of this wide universe 2,
Let's go search out our dreams! Joyful wonderland
Your goals, and tomorrow's weather, and the goal of your journey--
We don't want to know!
You don't need answers!
A place that nobody knows about is our paradise.
That's our adventure.
That's right, that's an important attitude
Let's go to everyone's paradise!
Ticket to the paradise
Paradise Paradise Don't give up! Now, let's head out!
Paradise Paradise You're not alone! Never ever!
Paradise Paradise Don't give up! Now, let's head out!
Paradise Paradise You're not alone! Never ever!
Paradise Paradise Don't give up! Now, let's head out!
Paradise Paradise...
Japanese lyrics source: Here
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
1 This song is full of interesting English, like "big bang express." I tried to fit it in with the context of my translation without rephrasing it.
2 What I translated as "universe" is written "uchuu" (宇宙, universe) in the lyrics but pronounced "sora" (空, sky) by the singers.
MP3: Here ya go!
Posted by
8:57 PM
Labels: anipara ongakukan, hironobu kageyama, lyrics, masaaki endoh, mikuni shimokawa, mp3, psychic lover, translation, yoffy
This is the ENDOH ~Not the End~ - Masaaki Endoh (translation)
Lyrics: Hironobu Kageyama
Composition: Hironobu Kageyama and Yohgo Kohno
Arrangement: Yoshichika Kuriyama
Hey hey, big brother 1 2, it's about time for you to get out, please!
(Go away!!)
Hey hey, starting today, please lend me your seat!
(Out side!!)
A message arrived from heaven!
It said that it's time for the star to have a turn!
Social reform, criminals, it's all good! (Good!)
Kick out the anison bully, the company 3!
Hey hey, king and queen 4, it's time to get out, please!
(Go away!!)
Hey hey, Danny Boy 5, shut up! Keep waiting!
(Be quiet!!)
Even members of the government have retired!
Everyone's waiting for a new star!
The flow of time is calling for me!
Anison bully, say my name!
Dive the ENDOH Hey world, open your eyes!
Not the end Open your clouded eyes!
Live in ENDOH Listen to my voice of steel!
Say the ENDOH That's right! Starting today, the universe is mine!
"There's only one short life, there's no way to add to it 6...that sucks...I'm going to take the opportunity to shoot for a million things..."
People who are fighting back, get together, come here! Come on!
Annoying people, stop being fake! Come on!
Is the way it is now okay? (Hey!)
The Free Trade Commission (Hey!)
In any world, purity is necessary
Anison bully, submit to my name!
Dive the ENDOH Hey world, open your eyes!
Not the end Open your clouded eyes!
Let's Dive the ENDOH Listen to my voice of steel!
Say the ENDOH That's right! Starting today, the universe is mine!
Dive the ENDOH Hey world, you better get it!
Not the end Open the door in your heart!
Live in ENDOH Listen to my wild voice!
Say the ENDOH That's right! My precious shout is a symbol of rebellion!
Japanese lyrics source: Here
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
1 To Endoh, "big brother" (兄さん, Niisan) is Hironobu Kageyama.
2 Also, please notice that Kageyama wrote this song. That's kind of funny, considering the first line.
3 As in, business company, presumably the record company.
4 The "king" and "queen," I believe, would be Ichiro Mizuki and Mitsuko Horie.
5 Hiroshi Kitadani?
6 Someone please help with this passage, (指くわえてるわけにゃ いかねんだ…) if you can. I don't fully understand it.
MP3: Here ya go!
Posted by
2:32 AM
Labels: lyrics, masaaki endoh, mp3, translation
Friday, October 5, 2007
GONG - JAM Project (translation)
Lyrics: Hironobu Kageyama
Composition: Hironobu Kageyama and Yohgo Kohno
Arrangement: Yohgo Kohno
It wells up in my heart hotly, this intense feeling
The final battlefield is where we're going 1
Hands joined, sharing an oath.
Before dawn tomorrow, we will have headed off to that sky. 2
We were here 3. Please, I just want you to remember that
Don't look back; don't show them your tears.
I get the power of love
I'll take our tomorrow back!
"Sound the gong!!"
It's time! Rise up, you fated 4 soldiers!
With your lightning blade, kick your enemies' butts 5,
You steel heroes who dream of peace.
Believe in the future you must protect, and in love.
Forever! Forever!
Even if our strength runs out, and the blade that gives us our fighting spirit breaks,
We won't turn back again. Let's fall into the ocean of the galaxy together.
Don't be afraid; don't throw away your pride.
I get the power of love
Now, without hesitating, I'm going!
"Sound the gong!!"
Do your dance bravely, you fated 4 soldiers!
On golden wings, flutter into the sky!
You've never experienced retreat, you steel heroes.
Follow the command of your bubbling soul.
Forever! Forever!
"Gong, gong, sound the gong!!"
It's time! Rise up, you fated 4 soldiers!
With your lightning blade, kick your enemies' butts, 5
You steel heroes who dream of peace.
Believe in the future you must protect, and in love.
Forever! Forever!
Japanese lyrics source (+video): ヲタしてる時はいつも...
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
Composition information source: the anison dream ~jam on~
1 What I translated as "battlefield" above is written "senjou" (戦場, battlefield) in the lyrics, but they say "basho" (場所, place).
2 What I translated as "sky" above is written "uchuu" (宇宙, universe) in the lyrics, but they say "sora" (空, sky).
3 What I translated as "here" above is written "chikyuu" (地球, earth) in the lyrics, but they say "koko" (ここ、here).
4 What I translated as "fated" above is written "unmei" (運命, fate) in the lyrics, but they say "sadame" (定め, er...fate)
5 Both WWWJDIC and Rakubiki Jiten translate "kechirasu" (蹴散らす) as "to kick about." What else was I supposed to translate it as?
MP3: Here ya go!
Posted by
9:18 PM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, mp3, translation