And today too...
Solo promotion starting from the afternoon
First was "Seiyuu Animedia," on sale 9/10. Then "Seiyuu Gran Prix," also on sale 9/10. Then "Anison Magazine," on sale 9/8. Then "Anime TV," on air 8/23.
After that was JAM rehearsal for America. Finally, it ended with JAM's interview with "Anison Magazine," on sale 9/10.
I got home after 10...we head out for America early tomorrow, so I'm packing carefully so that I won't forget anything, then I'll have a quick drink and go right to sleep (LOL)
Well, goodnight...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - August 5, 2008
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - August 5, 2008
It's too late now but
I'm AB-type but so what?
There was a book I wanted, so I went to the bookstore
then, suddenly, for no reason, I bought this one.
"AB Type: Your Instruction Manual"
Well, yeah, I can't even understand myself...
"A Neat Freak Even in Strange Places"
Well, I do hear that a lot...
"An Aura That Comes Into Your Heart With Shoes On Comes Out in Your Smile"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, don't come in... (LOL)
But, I don't know how I feel about telling someone's personality with just their blood type...
Well, some things definitely match me though... (・_・)
Maybe it's better to just analyze yourself.
"A Derailed Life"
Well...hey, leave me alone (>_<)
Well, tomorrow we're going to America!
Posted by
11:48 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - August 4, 2008
Today is...
my solo album's promotion day.
Television recording and Kuma-chan's Animetic Land (8/10~) as usual. Also as usual, Anikan-san, which will be published on the album's sale day, 8/27.
We had an energetic and fun conversation.
There's gonna be a bunch of recording and interviews and stuff tomorrow too.
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - August 5, 2008
Yesterday, I was a complete idiot.
In the afternoon, during rehearsal, the light that shined brightly on my sheet music
was natural sunlight shining through the window...
I would've realized it if I'd just thought about it for a minute...
but I'm....completely...completely...completely...
Ahhhh--I gave up.
Because it was dark and I couldn't see my music!!
It was nighttime so of course... ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ eh heh heh
But, even with that stuff,
last night's live at "Tomato Hatake"
was tons of fun.
In the midst of my surging, busy schedule,
I was once again saved by acoustic...
Acoustic is my oasis...
I am completely...completely...
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - August 4, 2008
Hooooooooot (^_^)v
It's summer, so
naturally, it's hot.
it's a little too hot...
Even when I'm not doing anything, sweat is pouring off of me (;>_<;)
This year, because I'm selfish, in our house there's
No air conditioner! Only electric fans! (LOL)
Pocchi, Chamame, I'm sorry...
I felt so sorry for these little ones that I gave them cold compresses...
That must feel good (^_^)v
It's the peak of summer now
The heat is exhausting but I'll do my best to endure it!
Summer greetings
Posted by
12:41 AM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Yep, I bought it!
I happened to buy it at the shop in Nippombashi where Endoh will have his promotional event in two weeks, so I got a ticket to the event too!
So, the album is pretty good!
By the way, if you click here, you will find nothing at all, so don`t bother.
Posted by
12:48 PM
Labels: masaaki endoh, mp3, site news
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Super-late live report of Anipara Extreme Live below!!!
My apartment building is supposed to get free internet next month so hopefully regular updates will resume soon!!!
ENSON comes out June 11! Payday is June 12! Guess where the first 3000 yen of my paycheck is going!
Seriously, have you seen this?
But I can`t go to the campaign in Osaka because of, you know, work. :( Oh well.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Labels: site news
Special: Anipara Ongakukan Extreme Live 2008 Live Report!!!!
This is not a translation, I really went!
So back on May 6, I made an excursion to Tokyo to see Anipara Extreme Live 2008. Sorry I didn`t write this report sooner.
So first I was hanging around outside of the arena hours before the show started (don`t ask), and suddenly around noon Yoshiki Fukuyama drove past me in a black car and bowed to us! I hardly registered what I saw until he was past. Then a few minutes later Masaaki Endoh drove past in a white car! I and some other people there ran around to the loading dock and Endoh and Hironobu Kageyama both got out of the car! I took a couple of pictures but they look like crap and you can see the license plate number so I probably won`t post them. Kageyama posed for me (peace signs) but I missed it. Kageyama said "Atsui!" and some guy said "Hare otoko!" Then they went in but Endoh kept turning around and waving (at me?? Maybe they were surprised to see a gaijin...or annoyed that I was taking pictures...).
A couple minutes later, a green taxi pulled up and Masami Okui got out of it, wearing a mask. A few minutes after that, Hiroshi Kitadani came walking down from the other direction in a yellow Denny`s t-shirt. So, I got to see all of the members of the JAM Project arrive! Yay!
About an hour later, I saw Takayuki Miyauchi get out of another taxi, but I don`t know many of his songs so it wasn`t such a big deal to me.
Let`s fast-forward to the concert starting because the rest of my trip to Tokyo was a complete nightmare.
I thought I had lousy "seats" (it was all-standing) but when the members came out onto the stage, I was close enough to see the sweat running down their faces (I was just behind the bar separating us from the lucky people who were right up against the stage). The weird thing, for me, was the amount of space between people. There was no crowd rush, everyone had their bags on the ground, and I was able to pull my notebook and pen in and out of my pockets (that`s right, I took notes!).
The thing started out with a video filmed in the Anipara Ongakukan studio about some new gang of anison singers called "Anison Future Syndicate" who challenged the Anipara All Stars and how there was a traitor in their midst or something like that. There was some story through the whole concert, and I didn`t understand a lot of it. I`m sorry! I`ll study harder for next time!
So of course Kageyama, Endoh, Tomoe Ohmi, and Psychic Lover (Anipara All Stars) ran out on stage and sang "Go! Go! Paradise!" And of course they did the dance (watch one of the live videos of it on YouTube). I love how they always crack up when they hold the microphone for each other. <3
I was trying the whole concert to keep up with the shouting/hand motions/clapping patterns that the rest of the audience seemed to know. There was the "clap clap hey," the "moving your hand like a director at the slowish parts," the "jump at the last drum blast at the end of a song" was kind of complicated.
Then each of the members sang a solo song. Kageyama sang "Super Survivor," and if memory serves, he spent a good portion of the song on his knees (which meant I couldn`t see him `cause I`m short).
Then Endoh came out and sang the theme song to "Aquarion," which I didn`t know at the time but have since fallen in love with and I can`t wait for ENSON. At one point he gave the audience kind of a disappointed look and started doing some crazy vocal gymnastics--I guess we weren`t being loud enough yet.
Then Psychic Lover performed "Number One Battle Brawlers." I`d never heard that song either but I tried real hard to sing along to the chorus. There`s something incredible about singing with hundreds of people, especially when it was just us chanting and Yoffy harmonizing over us. It was actually kind of creepy because there was maybe 500(???) or so of us going "We are number one battle brawlers!" and it looked kind of military. They probably could`ve made us rob a bank at that moment.
Finally Tomoe Ohmi came out and sang a really girly song--apparently the song from "Araiguma Rascal."
Then everyone ran out on stage, and there was one more--Hiroshi Kitadani! And basically everyone was like, "What are you doing here?" Then there was some evil laughter and a man dressed in black with a white featureless mask came onstage. I think he was supposed to be the leader of Anison Future Syndicate or something. There was a bunch of talking I didn`t get. He challenged them to a battle and Endoh acted like he was going to fight the masked guy, but he was like "No, not that kind of battle!" When the masked man took off his mask, he was some guy I`d never seen before. He had the kanji for "evil" written on his face. He was in Endoh`s diary, apparently his name is Takeshi Washizaki and he`s from a group called Paoro. For some reason K-ness the wrestler and two other Dragon Gate wrestlers showed up on stage. Two of them grabbed Endoh and dragged him off stage, and the third one threw Dani over his shoulder and carried him off, and everyone cleared the stage except for Washizaki (he was the MC).
He introduced the first members of the Syndicate, and a short video played introducing them: NanaKana! They came out and sang a song that`s apparently called "NanaKana wa Sekai wo Sukuu!" I love j-pop but they were kind of annoying.
Then Tomoe Ohmi came out and so did Washizaki, and they discussed the terms of the battle. Ohmi was like "Let`s do a singing battle!" and they were like "Um, no." Then Ohmi said, "Alright, let`s battle with your weak point: dancing!" And they were like, "Isn`t that YOUR weak point?" But they sang and danced to "Hoppe ni ChuChu." Ohmi did kind of suck at dancing. :)
Then NanaKana acted like villains in an anime who just lost (ran off going "We`ll be back!"), the stage cleared, and another video played, introducing...
Masami Okui! Who sang "Insanity"!
Then Ohmi came out and challenged her to a battle as well: a sexiness battle! They sang "Cutie Honey" together, both tarting it up. At the end, Okui said "You did a good job, but I could see that you were struggling." Ohmi was like, "Yeah, this isn`t really my thing," and Okui said, "Come on, I`ll teach you" and they walked off together.
Then Washizaki came out with Ucchii (Endoh`s friend, I don`t know his real name), who also had "evil" on his face, and with Washizaki on acoustic guitar and Ucchii on percussion, they sang "Gachapon." It was really awesome--and funny! Washizaki would make faces or Ucchii would make weird noises with the percussion and there were long, awkward pauses and stuff like that. Washizaki kind of reminds me of the goth singer Voltaire, if you know who that is.
Then the All Stars plus Dani came out--Ohmi was "sexied up" (her hair was different). This was the acoustic corner. They were saying something about a "Miyazaki Special"...I don`t know who`s from Miyazaki. Anyway, they started playing and Dani was like "WAIT WAIT WAIT" and made them start over and they all yelled at him. Finally, they played "Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara."
After that, they played another slow song called "Kimi wo Nosete." Afterwards, they were like, "The real thing was the best it`s been so far! Rehearsal sucked!" and they all walked off stage chattering, like "Good job! We did it! We were great!" Then their sound faded out.
Then another video played introducing the next member of the Syndicate: Dani! He ran out and sang "Divine Love," which was AWESOME (and the first song I could sing along too since "Go! Go! Paradise!"). After the slow acoustic section, everyone`s energy went way, way up. After it was done, Dani was all fired up and started screaming about how great he was, rolling his r`s ("Orrrrrrrrrre wa..."). Yoffy ran onstage going "Dani-san!" and slapped him to the ground. Dani stood up and was like "Sorry," but then started again, so Yoffy slapped him again. This happened a couple of times. Then they had their battle: "Precious Time, Glory Days" and "Endless Dream." Dani ran off going "I lost!" and Washizaki came out and talked some more.
A video played introducing the next member: Mikuni Shimokawa. It talked about how she`s the member of Anipara who knows the most of the other members` secrets.
I don`t even know what song she sang. It was really boring after the Dani/Yoffy fire. Sorry, Shimokawa fans.
Then Yoffy came out and they said they were going to sing a song with harmony like a warm breeze called "Minami Kaze." Also boring.
Another video introduced the next guest: Yoshiki Fukuyama! He appeared on stage in a puff of smoke with his guitar and sang "Wakugai!"
Then (FINALLY) Endoh came out and he was like "We`re going to break this concert hall down! We`re going to destroy it! But be careful!" They sang "King Gainer Over!!" together.
Apparently you`re supposed to "do the monkey" while chanting along to that song. I did it but I felt kind of stupid (>_<).
Afterwards, Fukuyama was trying to get Endoh to betray the All Stars. Endoh resisted at first but Fukuyama said, "What are the fine things in life? Tobacco...alcohol...women...Hironobu Kageyama`s job." They walked off together with Endoh considering it.
Finally, the last guest was introduced: Takayuki Miyauchi. He sang "Kamen Rider--Black RX."
Then he and Yoffy sang "Tokei Winspector" together. That`s the only Miyauchi song I know because I saw it on an Anipara Ongakukan video on YouTube, but apparently I don`t know it well enough because I thought that water was "BLUE," not "GREEN."
After that, Yoffy left and Kageyama took over, and Kageyama and Miyauchi sang "Tokei Exceedraft" together.
At the end of that, Kageyama said "Now it`s time for the final rivals...when we sing together, we look like friends but we`re really battling...JAM Project!"
Yayyyy! JAM Project!!! (Sans Rica, of course.) They had all changed their clothes, and Endoh had written "JAM" on his face with something blue and sparkly.
They sang "Rocks"! Yay! The robot voices became a call and response between Kageyama and us: "Super robo! SUPER ROBO!"
Then they sang "Dragon Storm 2007" and of course the three wrestlers joined them onstage for that and kind of sang along.
Finally, they were like "Time for old-school JAM Project!" and I think the crowd thought that Rica was coming back, but she didn`t. But they did sing "Soultaker," which was admittedly kind of weird without Rica.
That was the end....
...yeah right.
A man in front of me with a really bright glowstick took charge of getting us to chant: "ENCORE! ENCORE!" After a few minutes of that, the Anipara Super Band ran on stage!
Anipara Super Band: Endoh on bass, Yoffy and Ohmi on guitar, Joe on keyboard, Kageyama on drums.
They all had deconstructed t-shirts with their names on the back. Joe`s said "John." They said that Endoh made all of the shirts.
First they played the intro to "Smoke on the Water"--no singing but pretty cool! Then they introduced the members and everyone played a little solo. Everyone laughed at Ohmi because she kind of sucked. Oh, Ohmi.
Kageyama tried to make us do a call-and-response with the drums but Endoh stopped him and said "That`s not a drum solo!" So Kageyama did a real drum solo, complete with throwing the sticks up in the air and catching them. I think Endoh was the leader of the Anipara Super he should be!
Then they sang "Ginga Tetsudou 999," which I totally didn`t know was an anime song because a band called Exile has a cover of it out right now and it`s pretty popular. They all took turns singing, while they were playing their instruments--even Joe sang.
Finally, they played the old Lazy song, "Akazukinchan Goyouji"! Kageyama sang the lead vocals for that one, while he was playing the drums. (Isn`t that difficult?)
Then that was the end.
As soon as they were off the stage, the next chant started: "ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME!"
Kageyama, Endoh, Psychic Lover, and Shimokawa came back out on stage and sang "Ticket to the Paradise" (again, with the dance). Right before Kageyama`s big solo, the music stopped, and Kageyama yelled, "Here`s tonight`s last challenge: surprise dance show!" And some random dancer guy came out and he, Endoh, and Kageyama break danced! Endoh did some handstands! I want Endoh to dance more often <3 <3 <3
Then they went back to "Ticket to the Paradise," Kageyama did his solo, and they finished the song.
Finally, EVERYBODY came out on stage (including the wrestlers and Washizaki and Ucchi, who had crossed out the "evil" and written "love" on their faces, and who apologized for being evil) and it was time for the real last song.
You know!
"Bokura wa Uchuu wo..."
Wait, no、Kageyama made a mistake. Of course they made a big deal out of it and Kitadani fell flat on his face and everything, and then they started over.
"Uchuu wa Bokura wo..."
"MATTEIRU!!!" <--the audience
I love that song! We all did the "I love you, I need you..." thing with the gestures, and even though my trip to Tokyo completely sucked, I felt completely at peace with the universe for five minutes. At the climax, there were a couple of explosions, and tons of sparkly silver streamers fired from two cannons. We stuck our hands up and caught them. I still have mine.
Finally, it ended. Everybody left the stage single file and we yelled their names and whatever, and then the lights came back on. The loud guy who led the first encore chant screamed "Was it hot?" and we did a three-cheers kind of thing.
I don`t even watch anime, but this music is incredible. This message seriously needs to be spread. And I will be at the next concert that is not in Tokyo.
1. Go! Go! Paradise! - Anipara All Stars
2. Super Survivor - Hironobu Kageyama
3. Soukei no Aquarion - Masaaki Endoh
4. Number One Battle Brawlers - Psychic Lover
5. Araiguma Rascal - Tomoe Ohmi
6. NanaKana wa Sekai wo Sukuu! - NanaKana
7. Hoppe ni ChuChu - NanaKana and Tomoe Ohmi
8. Insanity - Masami Okui
9. Cutie Honey - Masami Okui and Tomoe Ohmi
10. Gachapon (acoustic) - Takeshi Washizaki and Ucchii
11. Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara (acoustic) - Anipara All Stars and Hiroshi Kitadani
12. Kimi wo Nosete (acoustic) - Anipara All Stars and Hiroshi Kitadani
13. Divine Love - Hiroshi Kitadani
14. Precious Time, Glory Days - Hiroshi Kitadani and Psychic Lover
15. Endless Dream - Hiroshi Kitadani and Psychic Lover
16. ????? - Mikuni Shimokawa
17. Minami Kaze - Mikuni Shimokawa and Psychic Lover
18. Wakugai! - Yoshiki Fukuyama
19. King Gainer Over!! - Yoshiki Fukuyama and Masaaki Endoh
20. Kamen Rider--Black RX - Takayuki Miyauchi
21. Tokei Winspector - Takayuki Miyauchi and Psychic Lover
22. Tokei Exceedraft - Takayuki Miyauchi and Hironobu Kageyama
23. Rocks - JAM Project
24. Dragon Storm 2007 - JAM Project
25. Soultaker - JAM Project
26. Smoke on the Water (instrumental) - Anipara Super Band
27. Ginga Tetsudou 999 - Anipara Super Band
28. Akazukinchan Goyouji - Anipara Super Band
29. Ticket to the Paradise - old Anipara All Stars
30. Uchuu wa Bokura wo Matteiru - everybody
PS Thank you to the people on mixi who posted the setlist so I could find out the names of songs, even though your setlist was all out of order.
PPS You can translate this live report or whatever and put it on your website, but, credit please!
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: live report
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm still alive!
I don't wanna let this site die--but I don't have internet!
I just applied for it though, so I will have it at some point!
I rented 30years3ounce and typed out all of the Japanese lyrics onto my laptop, and I'll get on translating those!
I'm still working on doing M.e. too!
As soon as I have steady internet I'll resume the diary translations!
Also, in May, I think I'm going to a JAM Project fan karaoke gathering, so I'll let you know how that goes!
Oh yeah, did you hear that Rica Matsumoto is taking a break from JAM Project?
I'll be back in business soon! Thank you for reading!
Posted by
11:50 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I'm in Japan
Hi, I made it.
Please see not-enough-yen for details if you're interested.
Updates to this site will resume when I get internet in my apartment.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Labels: site news
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 1/9/2008, 1/10/2008
Gyuunyan! (o^o^o)
For the first time in a long time, Endoh, Dany, and I appeared on Sakura's Marshmallow Time! I haven't seen Sakura since the summer. Since she retired from producing, I've had fewer chances to see her, but she seems well! (o^o^o) Back in the day, I had a ton of intense experiences for a short time thanks to Sakura! Working with Sakura, I learned the kind of multifaceted skills that I have today!
Sakura, I'm always praying for your success! Fly, Sakura! (o^o^o)
First set of goods!
After the radio show, we reconvened for the JAM band rehearsal! (o^o^o)
The young people are working hard! Plus, the first set of good came in: a giant towel! Perfect! Cool! \(‾o‾)/
Now that you mention it
A while ago, on TV, I saw an interview with Joe Odagiri-san about his getting married. He said that he didn't know anyone who shared his birthday except for Kim Jong Il...
When he said that I started thinking, so yesterday in the studio I searched for "famous people born on February 18" on Matsuu's Mac. I found Yoko Ono and Robert Baggio. Personally, I was happy that I also found the Fuji TV announcer, Aya Takashima. (^^ゞ
And, while I was searching, Hironobu Kageyama came up. That made me the happiest. I'm small potatoes. ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Well, this picture is from before JAM Project rehearsal. We want to try to become a unit as big as the Rainbow Bridge.
And then, my assignment today is...first, to make a demo of the JAM Project live acoustic corner. I have to deliver it to everybody so I need to hurry.
After that, in order to put away furniture, I have to get my Chinese tea-related items into one group.
I have to put this stuff away neatly.
Ugh...but it'll keep getting bigger and bigger...I'll end up buying tea and teapots online, and end up buying more and more...look at me. (LOL)
Well, it's alright! Because it's fun. ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Starting now...
I'm going to a JAM staff meeting. This time, we want to increase the area around the stage from what it was last year, so it's troublesome.
So, today, I drank a kind of Chinese red tea called Keemun tea for the first time.
This is delicious. (^▽^)V Naturally, it's because it's one of the world's "Three Main Red Teas."
If people who don't like Puerh tea and other Chinese teas started here, maybe they'd calm down. (^▽^)V
It tastes like usual red tea, and since the taste is sufficient, you don't need sugar or anything. Yes, this is good.
But, if I keep getting Chinese red tea like this, next thing you know I'll be wanted a porcelain teapot. (LOL)
Hey hey hey...
I'm in the middle of an extremely serious meeting! I think if I joke around, someone will hit me... Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
I'm hungry... (LOL)
Posted by
11:28 PM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
JAM Project Japan Flight 2008 Live Report - Saitama and Nagoya
JAM Project JAPAN FLIGHT 2008 No Border Toda Performance
I went to the first day of the JAM Project's tour. It was at the Toda Cultural Center in Saitama. It started at 5:00 and ended at 8:00. In all, the live was exactly three hours long, but the time passed extremely quickly. I was like, "It's already been three hours?" Time really does fly when you're having fun. It was amazing. Below are the setlist and my thoughts. It's full of spoilers, so if you're planning on attending, be careful!
I went to the long-awaited first day of the tour. It started with "No Border," and kept going until the end. It seems like there was no place on the setlist for them to rest. It was so much fun. The performance was at the Toda Cultural Center. It was the first time I'd been there, but it was easy to see in that place. There was only seating on the first floor and there weren't many seats near the front, but there were a good number of bumps in the floor, and there was nothing obstructing the view. It wasn't even that big. Even the people in the back could see the members' expressions clearly. The space between the seats in the front was pretty big so it was easy to jump around, so that was good too. It was a great place. Above the stage there was a big monitor that played videos along with the music. The videos fit the music well, and I was kind of worried about whether I should look at the members or at the monitor. Before the first song, "No Border," a video that expressed the meaning of that song played, and made me think about things right at the beginning of the live.
"No Border" was performed with a dance. Hikarudo was there right from the start, and the seven of them danced. I tried to copy along, but of course I couldn't remember it all. If I practice at every live, maybe I'll be able to dance it by the Tokyo performance. Anyway, I'll practice. Hikarudo came in at the beginning, and I think he was there until about "Dead or Alive." I forget when he came back out, but he was at least there for "Hero." From there until the end he was on. His talk was more interesting than it was last year, I was surprised. I laughed when he said that it took him three months by boat to get here.
That day was the first time that I heard the full version of "Shuraki." I saw the short version in a PV but I'd never heard the full version before, so can I really say that this was the first time I'd heard it? Whatever, I was just happy to hear a new song. I have to find out when the CD will be released, but they said all of that on stage. When was it again? "Divine Love" was Hiroshi Kitadani's solo song. I never thought that they would perform it. The girl in the seat next to me was apparently a Dany fan, and she got really excited. She had the requisite headband on and was a really upbeat person. If it were me, I wouldn't have made such a big deal. Saying that, when I heard that song on the CD, I didn't think it was that great, but hearing it live, it was incredible. He wasn't half as energetic on the CD. Dany's solos are great.
Considering the whole show, it didn't seem like there was that much MCing, but once they started talking, it was full of energy. Rica Matsumoto joked around as usual, making fun of Lantis because "Motteke!" was on the Oricon charts. Also, at the last part of the show, when the members were addressing the audience, Yoshiki Fukuyama was wandering around and playing while other people were talking. It was too funny. Fukuyama-san usually doesn't dance, but he seemed like he was having fun while he was dancing to "No Border," and he kept dancing around. On the other hand, while he was talking seriously, he wound up laughing. Masami Okui backed him up. Nice Makkun.
About Yoshiki Fukuyama. This year's acoustic corner was very grown-up. It's kind of a shame. Last year's meandering call-and-response with the audience drew us in, but there was none of that chaos this year, so I felt a little lonely. I couldn't really hear the "Kurenai no Kiba" acoustic performance, but I was happy with the singing as a whole. Before the encore, the last song was "Hero." I really love that song. I like it so much that I don't know how many times I've listened to it on repeat. Before beginning the song, Hironobu Kageyama talked a little about his thoughts on that song, and between that and the song, I got extra teary-eyed.
After a 2-song encore that pushed the limits of their physical strength, these guys did a double encore. Naturally, it was "Skill"! This year, too, Dany's leading of "Skill" was strong. However, the energy last year was no match for this. It was incredible. He still walked around and fired us up...but this year he did things like hit the floor with his towel. It was a force that can't be put into words. He was talking, but I couldn't hear what he said. Still, I could tell that he was fired was like he was half angry.
Then, while Dany was firing us up, behind him, Yoshiki Fukuyama was playing around. He was running around in the back and playing. Besides that, he attacked Hikarudo and Hironobu Kageyama...he was very free. I couldn't take my eyes off of the entire stage. But I couldn't see much because I was jumping around... conclusion, from the beginning to the end, it was a completely enjoyable live. It was just what I'd been waiting for. Thank you so much for performing. The audience's energy was good too, so it was a wonderful live. Everybody who came, thank you!
1. No Border
2. Rocks
3. Stormbringer
4. Genkai Battle
5. Dead or Alive
6. Shuraki
7. Garo ~Savior in the Dark
8. Asu e no Houkou
9. Divine Love
10. Salvage
11. Rising Force
12. Kurenai no Kiba (acoustic)
13. Garimpeiro (acoustic)
14. Dragon Storm 2007
15. Battle Communication!!
16. Portal
17. Break Out
18. Victory
19. Soultaker
20. Hero
21. EN1. Hagane no Messiah
22. EN2. Gong
~Double Encore
23. EN3. Skill
JAM Project JAPAN FLIGHT 2008 No Border Nagoya Performance
I went to the second performance of the JAM Project's tour. The place was Zepp Nagoya. It started a little after the scheduled 6:00, and it end a little before 9:00. This show was standing room only, so everyone was really excited. It was fun! Below are my thoughts and the setlist. Spoiler alert.
It was a lot of fun. Since the place was Zepp Nagoya, naturally it was packed and standing room only. The order numbers were pretty good, so you could see from about the 4th or 5th center row. The members were so close! Makkun etc. were right in front of my eyes, and it was incredible.
The Toda performance last week was hot, but today was pretty hot too. I love standing room only. I jumped and yelled almost the whole time, so much that not only my feet and arms and throat, but even the muscles in my jaw hurt. Content-wise it wasn't that different from Toda, and the songs in the setlist didn't change at all. Only the order of the songs in the encores changed a little bit. But, it was an all-standing show. The feeling was completely different.
I don't know whether that was the reason, but Hironobu Kageyama being moved to tears while he was introducing "Hero" made an unforgettable impression on me. Makkun cried a little in the middle. I love "Hero," so I was kind of happy. During the chorus, maybe Rika-san cried a little too. But maybe it was just my imagination.
However, the leading during "Skill" was long. I think it was longer than Toda's. Hiroshi Kitadani's rage heated up, and he threw the towel around. Masami Okui laughed loudly when she saw that. Yoshiki Fukuyama ran around. Masaaki Endoh worked with was as free as usual. The people I was jumping with looked like they were going to die. But, without this it doesn't feel like the live's over. It was great jumping around with everyone.
In conclusion, it was a really fun day. Everyone who came, thank you!
1. No Border
2. Rocks
3. Stormbringer
4. Genkai Battle
5. Dead or Alive
6. Shuraki
7. Garo ~Savior in the Dark
8. Asu e no Houkou
9. Divine Love
10. Salvage
11. Rising Force
12. Kurenai no Kiba (acoustic)
13. Garimpeiro (acoustic)
14. Dragon Storm 2007
15. Battle Communication!!
16. Portal
17. Break Out
18. Victory
19. Soultaker
20. Hero
21. EN1. Gong
22. EN2. Hagane no Messiah
~Double Encore
23. EN3. Skill
Thanks to Flavio!
Posted by
12:29 AM
Labels: jam project, translation
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm going to Japan
I know that nobody comes to this blog to read about my life, but I figured that since I was making all of these updates (my laptop just came back from repairs and I feel the need to catch up), I might as well post this.
I'm leaving for Japan on February 29 to teach for one of the big English conversation schools. I'll be in Osaka again (yay!).
So what's this have to do with you? I won't have internet access when I first get there, and of course I'll be busy, so this blog may be delayed again.
However, after that, I hope that it will improve as my Japanese ability does (god, I hope it does).
I also reserved space for a Japan blog: There's nothing there yet, but I'll try to post some interesting things when I get over there.
Thank you for reading!
Posted by
11:02 PM
Labels: site news
In the Chaos - JAM Project (featuring Masami Okui)
Lyrics: Masami Okui
Composition: Yohgo Kohno
Arrangement: Yohgo Kohno
We're being guided towards something
Are we living in an illusion?
Everyone who is picked on every day and can't stop is,
As if they rely on it, crying out for love, wandering
Forever. The armor that locks up my heart,
Before I know it, creates a different me
A beautiful fully-bloomed flower is strongly fragile
The hidden thorn is already broken, nothing can be done...
We're caught in the chaos
Everyone who can't stop their sadness and hatred
Sleep wrapped in shadow, and cry out for the "peace" inside the mirror
Break out now, from the few places where light shined
When it released a locked-up heart
The "real me" that I met holds out a hand
Like light and darkness blending together, we become one
Like an illusion in the chaos
They forgot what's important somewhere
And aimlessly kept searching, drifters
Even if they're burdened with a too-heavy crime,
They go on without noticing
Forever, people have to survive by any means
Until the day I find the answer
I'm going, even though light shined only from a few places
It's guiding the locked-up hearts
The "real me" that I met holds out a hand
So it can be absorbed by light and darkness
I wanted to become a beautiful fully-bloomed flower
With hidden thorns, that's right, even if I hurt somebody
We're illusions in the chaos
Japanese lyrics source: Ghaleo's Blog
Posted by
10:56 PM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, translation
Hironobu Kageyama's Apology for the "Shinkansen Incident"
Today I received a message from Lantis. It seems that passengers who were in the same car as us on the bullet train on the way back from Nagoya left extremely angry comments on blogs saying that we were very loud and a huge nuisance.
It's embarrassing, but this is the whole truth.
Just like it's been written on blogs, inside the car we had an afterparty, and we drank and got loud.
Now that I think about it, we must certainly have been a very annoying group to the other passengers in the car.
Is this how upstanding adults behave?! That kind of scum shouldn't talk about morals as if they were important!
Just like they said, we were thoughtless.
We were relieved that the live was a success, and on top of that we had been drinking, and we got carried away.
We were immature people. And that's over with.
To the people in the car with us that day, we are truly sorry that we ruined your precious downtime.
We regret it. We're really sorry.
From now on, since this lesson has been pointed out to us, we have learned from it and we won't do such a stupid thing again.
-Leader Kageyama
Honestly, I am really surprised at this. I'm surprised that so many people on the train went out of their way to complain and become angry at the JAM Project (even hardcore fans); I'm surprised that they went ahead and issued an apology; I'm surprised that this is news in Japan.
Of course, the reason I'm surprised is entirely cultural. Can you imagine this kind of thing happening in America? Can you imagine, say, a rapper being called out just for being "loud"? Beyond that, can you imagine that rapper issuing an apology? (Now that would be news!)
I don't know whether I should say "Ohhh, Japan" or "Ohhh, America."
What do you think about this?
Posted by
10:09 PM
Labels: jam project, translation
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 1/18/2008, 1/19/2008, 1/20/2008, 1/21/2008, 1/22/2008, 1/23/2008, 1/24/2008
I'm a touch-typing
I wish. (>_<)
Today after the meetings and things were over, I participated in a chat meeting with my fan club in my office.
This was the second time.
About ten people chatted but
if I could type faster I could talk more with everyone...sorry. (^_^;)
I'll try to learn to type faster for next time.
My typing technique (?) involves using the index fingers of both hands, looking at the keyboard, choosing keys as if they were bad guys, and hitting them really hard.
"Pow pow pow pow pow!"
It's "Fist of the North Star"'s Kenshirou's style. (LOL)
But actually, since I don't look at the keyboard,
I end up doing things like typing in English characters. (T.T)
I'll do it again..."hidebu"! 1
In this way, I'll search for my own style and become a touch typing master.
Remember it!
1 Hidebu
I casually looked up at the sky and
immediately saw an airplane cloud trail drawn in the sky.
It's like a doodle in the sky.
I have a memory of writing a paper in elementary school that said "I want to try drawing in the big blue sky."
I was so free of heart. (^_-)
I haven't drawn any pictures lately.
I'm not good at drawing, but I like it.
When I was little, I would always draw pictures on the backs of papers and stuff when I was bored.
I still remember how happy I was when I received a gold star on my drawings in art class in elementary school.
Next time I'm free, maybe I should try drawing again.
Come to think of it, I don't really have any hobbies now besides music.
It's kind of lonely... (T.T)
That's why on my current profile it says that my hobby is "nightlife." (LOL)
Jack and the Beanstalk, continued continued continued continued continued
Making an appearance after a long time
"message bean"
He's still growing healthily. (^_^)v
Since it's gotten cold, he's growing more slowly though.
But he's certainly growing.
He's already conquered close to 1/3 of my window.
Tonight it looks like snow is going to fall outside of this window.
But I trust him.
But thanks to him, my blinds are always up. (>_<)
It's okay, it's okay...
When I look at how he's growing, I feel energized.
I said it's okay, I said it's okay...
We're riding out this harsh winter together strongly and healthily, and we're on our way to the warm spring!
Right, pal? (LOL)
Don't lose to this winter cold!!
Goodnight. (^^ゞ
Forecast or guess
It didn't
On "Weather Forecast" it said that snow was going to fall, so I was kind of excited.
It's kind of disappointing.
Because it was called a "forecast," I believed in it.
They might as well call it "Weather Guess."
Can't we all agree to that?
No, I guess not... (^_^;):
Today was JAM rehearsal.
I made a little more progress.
I have to work harder and harder!
Anipara Ongakukan
Tomoe-kitty (^.^)b
Today was Anipara Ongakukan recording.
I celebrated the new year with Anipara All Stars and the staff.
Let's work hard this year, too! I'm counting on you!
Sales release day
I'm pretty happy. (^_^)v
why did it have to fall on this day...
I went to my office first thing in the morning.
When I woke up, I planned to ride my bicycle to the office, so when I went outside, I was surprised!
Hey, I had a plan...
Hikarudo was saying that he wanted to see snow, so he must be happy...
Hikarudo bought another book?? You otaku gaijin! (LOL)
Of course, I didn't ride my bike today. (^o^;
Today, JAM Project's first original single, "No Border," was released.
Please buy it!
Everyone, don't catch cold! \(^o^)/
No bathing
Da dum da dum dum dum!
Take a bath!
I always wind up having to take a shower in my tub at home.
Today for some reason I wanted to take a hot bath for free in the middle of the night, so I heated up some water and got in. felt good.
I got warm all over.
Baths are nice.
But my bathtub is small and narrow.
Hmm...since my shoulders were cold, I put my shoulders in.
When I did that, my knees came out.
When I put my knees in, my shoulders came out.
What kind of exercise is this??? (>_<)
I tried rolling my big body into a little ball and getting in so only my face stuck out.
Like Esper Itoh 1 (LOL)
Mm...I want a big bathtub.
And I want to go to a public bathhouse.
1 A Japanese comedian
Posted by
9:07 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 1/19/2008, 1/22/2008, 1/23/2008, 1/25/2008, 1/26/2008, 1/27/2008, 1/28/2008, 1/29/2008, 1/30/2008, 2/1/2008, 2/2/2008
100 practice bats...
[pic] that, I've been spending my days practicing at home...huh? Wait a minute. A practice bat hits the ball. That's not right. Maybe 100 practice swings is closer to what I've been doing. (LOL) I've been throwing my body into nothing but repitition!
Since my debut I've been bad at memorizing lyrics. (;´▽`A` Even when they're lyrics that I wrote. (LOL)
I didn't think that my IQ was that ha ha ha ha.
I'm in the middle of memorizing the lyrics to "No Border"'s coupling song "Hero." Every time I hear it, I get emotional and tear up. They're warm and gentle, wonderful lyrics. I feel like I could cry (T^T) the same as Fukuyaman.
Last time, in the middle of rehearsing it, tears came to my eyes and I choked up. (LOL)
I'm not going to cry at the show...but how can I do that? Even if I say, "I am NOT going to cry!" I have to keep my nose from running. (LOL)
I can finally post I posted one from Korea. It's Mr. Dany in the cold with a red nose in a 7-11.
Secret training
Yesterday was JAM rehearsal and ???. Of course on this important day, when I woke up my neck hurt terribly...I must have slept in a weird position. (;´ー`)┌
After rehearsal ended, my neck was all like "I'm stiff!" (LOL)
And JAM's Hanshin Giants 1 ! Tiny and huge Dany-chan and Hika-chan...
1 This sounds like the name of a baseball team, but I don't think that it's a real one.
It snowed!
This morning I was surprised at the snowy landscape. Today I'm at home working out etc. to prepare for the tour.
Meanwhile, I want to thank people for always posting on my BBS. I want to respond to all of the messages but there are so many (LOL) so that would be difficult. So I'm borrowing this place to send my thanks to everybody.
Thank you! Please support me in 2008 too...
Happy yellow t-shirt
Yesterday was JAM rehearsal. The drummer, Hideki, wore a "Dany's" t-shirt for me. Awww...even though he's young, he so loyal! (LOL) I was soooo happy that he was so considerate. (^З^)-☆
We ran through the show two times. We could see how it's all going to fit together.
And we're slowly getting more and more new types of goods!
La la la...
I watched "Music Fair." Playing piano for Yui Aragaki was Kouhei, who looked like he was having fun.
The way his left foot follows the rhythm, and the small things he does when he made me feel very nostalgic. (LOL)
And I smiled in front of the TV...
Lately I feel like I've been energized by the "Dany's" members...thank you, young people! (LOL)
First shrine visit
Today I went to Kawazaki Daiji for the first time in 2008, to pray that JAM's tour is a huge success.
Even though it's almost February, the place was crowded and congested.
And my first fortune of the year was "kichi" 1...mmmmm.... (⌒~⌒; it's so-so... (LOL)
1 See what the rankings of "omikuji," or "fortunes," are here.
Catching swords
...I failed. (LOL) 1
Today was JAM rehearsal again. We were goofing off. I kind of did a little too much... (LOL)
It's really only a short time until the show...I'm looking forward to it...
1 I believe that this is a kendo exercise.
Once again...
Catching swords...
...I failed. (HA HA)
Yep, he's the dreaded swordmaster...either that or I'm really slow. (LOL)
Today was JAM rehearsal too. It's finally the last day! This time, the members and the band were strict and perfect.
All that's left is the dress rehearsal and the show! I want to see everybody soon...
Girly old man
The first thing this morning, before the beauty shops opened, I went to the usual (LOL) shop in Kouenji.
After that I went to the usual (LOL) shop in Shibuya and bought clothes for the tour.
No more war
2008 is going fast. Today is the first day of February. Tomorrow the JAM tour finally starts.
Yesterday we had dress rehearsal at the first hall, Toda Cultural Center. The band, the staff, the members are working hard. Expect an awesome live show.
Ooooh, I'm getting excited....
Good morning!
The weather? It's not bad...that's good...but it's really really cold! Yesterday I had a good night's sleep, and before the alarm clock went off I felt awake,
and I took a shower, and I shaved, and I did my hair, and I drank some hot cafe au lait.
Then, so I wouldn't forget anything, I got my luggage in order, and then I finally left. To everybody who's coming to Toda: "Let's burn out!"
Posted by
7:04 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 1/7/2008, 1/9/2008
New resolution!
Work began for both Solid Vox and Lantis!! (^▽^)V
Frankly, there's no chance to completely change your outlook except for the end of the year. People choose their own themes, and set out on a new path.
And you don't have to tell anybody that. It's okay to keep your resolution to yourself.
When I turned 40, I said a lot of things that made it seem like I was certain, but honestly, facing my 47th year, I'm really anxious.
But, because I'm anxious...because it's scary...I'll do my best.
Aniki, congratulations for yesterday. (^▽^)V
Osamu pot (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
My usual tea urn. Every day, I polish it really well. (LOL)
After I pour the tea, while the pot is still hot, I polish it al over with its own cloth.
They say that if you do that, its shine and personality will gradually appear. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
The things that I like are all things that you have to take the time to polish. The main one is my guitars. (^▽^)V
In the middle of writing songs, while I'm watching a movie, I carefully polish them. (LOL) Then, while I'm polishing them, I grow more and more attached to them and they look beautiful, so I can't stop. That's what happens. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Today at Aoyama Studio, I recorded the full-size version of the famous commercial song that I sang last year.
They're apparently going to make a CD to use as a present for the viewers. Yayyyyy ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
This is organization??? (LOL)
Today, cupboards came for Airblanca Studio's kitchen. This is because, since everyone's giving me presents, I have nowhere to put Chinese tea and tea utensils anymore. (^▽^)V
In its place, I put the CD rack in the closet...what in the world is my job? (LOL)
But, because of this, starting tomorrow I can have full-blown "meditation style" tea! Hooray ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Whew...but, organizing by myself makes me tired. So even though I have so much to do, I've completed about a half-day's worth of work.
Agh, I still have to go to the broadcasting center. If I skip it, they'll get mad at me. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
Posted by
9:32 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 1/16/2008, 1/17/2008
First broadcast of the year
"Umasugi Wave"
This show has been on for one year, thanks to you.
I'm shy, but I've finally gotten used to it.
...Took long enough!
But I'm really grateful to my co-stars Sugita-kun and Aizawa-san.
Good thing they're good people. (LOL)
Sponsors, staff and members, Kami-sama who always rushes to help us even though he's busy, and the listeners, please support "Umasugi WAVE" in its second year. <(__)>
Anyway, after the radio recording, I went to Lantis's New Year's Party.
Our precious demon, Matsuu's, skirt was like this.
Look! You did something you never do and made it snow!
JAM rehearsal
Today too
I sang a lot. (^・^)/
The more I rehearse, the greedier I get.
Once I've taken care of one task, I can see the next one.
That just keeps repeating.
Up until now, I've gotten into a lot of things besides music.
And I felt like I could get those things done by myself.
Music is the only thing that I can't comprehend, even now, no matter how much I do it.
I can't find the answers.
There's no end.
If I could understand it by myself, I might have quit singing a long time ago.
But, my singing ability still has a long way to go.
But it's okay if I keep singing. (^_^)v
I'm grateful that I can sing songs I love!
Today was our engineer Kondoh-chan's birthday. I owe a lot to her both solo and with JAM.
Happy birthday!
She always spends so much time on details that she cuts into her sleeping time. Thank you so much.
We still depend on you.
Please support us! (^o^)/
Posted by
2:58 AM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 1/16/2008, 1/17/2008
New Year's party...
Today is Lantis's New Year's Party. The concert hall is bigger than the number of people who came has multiplied! d(^0^)b Isn't it great?
With that huge of a party, everyone gets into the toasts. I did one with JAM.
In 2008, with the strength I get from everyone, I'm going to make the great music you want.
The picture is a person I met who is from Yamaguchi prefecture.
I can't rotate the picture... (;_;)
Oh! I don't have a good towel...(LOL)
Today was the second day of JAM rehearsal. We finally ran through all of the songs.
The drummer, Hideki, seemed a little nervous, since he's the youngest.
But his natural good nature gradually appeared...from now on, his natural spontaneous personality is probably going to burst now. (LOL)
In the middle was Hideki's roadie, Hiroshi Gokurou-san.
Why? I can't edit this JPG... (;´ー`)┌
Posted by
2:29 AM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 12/29/2007, 12/30/2007, 12/31/2007, 1/1/2008, 1/3/2008, 1/5/2008, 1/6/2008
Grrrrr ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
Today was a busy day. First, in the afternoon, there was "a certain after-recording." (* ̄∇ ̄*)
Aaargh--in my whole life, I've never had to put so many words in quotes. Even though I'm not singing, my voice is tired. (LOL)
I'll tell you when I'm allowed to! V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
After that, at night was rehearsal for tomorrow's Solid Vox event. We didn't have much time, but we worked hard so that we can make everybody happy! The Bingo presents and the singing presents are both rare! V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
For dinner, I was invited to have delivered pizza with everyone from Lantis. Tomorrow the comic book market starts, so everybody was very busy preparing until the middle of the night. They're going to work like this nonstop until the 31st. They're really working hard.
The group that works harder than others has better results. This is an extremely ordinary sentence. V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
Then, after rehearsal, I took Dani to Airblanca Studio.
Because he said that he really wanted to learn the basics of Protools, I gave him a lecture on the very very basics.
How to make tracks. How to play soft recordings. How to recording singing, how to record guitar. I wonder if he understood. (LOL)
Dani went home a little while ago, and I've been memorizing lyrics for tomorrow. Ahh...I wanna go to bed. (LOL)
But, I'm gonna keep working! V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
I have a hangover. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
For the afterparty for the end-of-year party, we did karaoke until dawn...(LOL)
Well, for these times (LOL), boiling hot oolong tea is best.
My new Chinese mug. It's cute. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Also, I received a lot of Chinese tea from Ed and company from the Super Robo event in Hong Kong and from fans.
I think I could open a tea shop. (LOL)
Yesterday's Solid Vox party was fun.
The shop was good, and so was the party's tempo.
It was a great end to 2007.
I don't want to do anything at the end of the year except be with my fans.
Yeah, it was a great year. (LOL)
Make this last
Start! Today JAM PROJECT NO BORDER TOUR REHEARSALS start! Even though they're still band-only rehearsals, and we weren't expecting them, Endoh and Makkun are coming to the studio!
Of course, everyone's really anxious!
And as they practiced "Skill," "Victory"...etc., our standard songs, our anxiety flew away!
Our new band is great!
Permanently present Inoue-kun was surprised too, I think!
I think he was still worried even though he gave us the green light!
So the band is OK! After New Year's it's our turn! I'm excited! \(‾o‾)/
Burning quietly...
New Year's Eve. 30 minutes until 2008.
Since last year I did the countdown at the Shimoseki Aquarium, I'm spending New Year's Eve this year quietly.
I was writing songs until a little bit ago, but now I'm studying for a breather. (LOL)
Did everyone find a theme for 2008? I, of course, have too many things that I want to do (LOL), so I'm in trouble.
Oh yeah, the big tea urn that I bought online came. It's the round one on the right.
[tea stuff]
When I did that, I slowly came to love tea utensils. So, I thought I would challenge myself. (^▽^)V
But, since I drink out of big cups, these are both big pots. They're about 3 times bigger than regular ones.
The left is for pucha, and there's oolong tea in the right.
Well, everybody, happy new year! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Please support me this year too! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
The truth is, since on Christmas Eve my beloved mother-in-law went to heaven, I can't say congratulations.
But, since she loved music, and understood my job, and always honestly supported me, I'll work three times harder for that reason.
Being the JAM Project. Being Hironobu Kageyama. Being myself.
I won't run away from the things around me, and I'll fight against them.
I'll break through them head-on. It's a head-to-head battle.
Matsumura-kyouju said it too. "In life, there is no escape!"
Everyone at Kids Station, Yamaken-san, everyone at Koshikijima: my late, but I'm working on it.
Please wait a little longer. (^^ゞ
Tatsui tea
The early bird gets the worm.
So, this year I have to keep waking up early. (^▽^)V
First thing in the morning, green tea sounds good.
This is a famous Chinese green tea called "Seiko Tatsui Tea."
[tea stuff]
When I went to Shanghai, I had this kind of tea leaves from a glass mug. Chinese people are good at drinking it.
When the leaves entered my mouth, I went "bleh bleh" and adjusted the lid and scalded my tongue, and it was terrible. (LOL)
But, when in rural China, do as the rural Chinese do! And the rural Chinese sure like it hot.
I wasn't really in rural China, but I challenged myself!
Wow! Hot green tea first thing in the morning. It'll leave spots on my organs. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Aniki's 60th birthday!
Yesterday was rehearsal for the memorial live for Aniki, who's going east tomorrow. Aniki seemed to be in good health, and I got to wish happy new year to him and Micchii Nee-san, so the first job of 2008 was nice. (^▽^)V
The guitar I ordered came! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
However, you can't see it in the picture...even though it's new, it's worn out and rusty. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
This is a recreation of the model of guitar Joe Strummer used in The Clash, and the worn-off finish (who wore it off?!), and the rusted metal parts (who rusted them?!), and the various scratches and holes are in order to make it a loyally aged rare guitar.
After this, I'm going to paint it and put stickers on it myself. Like this.
Cool! Cool!
It's so awesome!! Isn't it great?? ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
How does it sound?
Who cares! ( ̄ヘ ̄)凸
Not really...of course it sounds great. (^_-)ー☆
Shibuya! (o^o^o) Aniki's already singing! This time, it's a long 60-song live, coming after his 1,000-song live! I'm singing one song, but I'm cheering Aniki on! In this whole business, Aniki just might be the one I owe the most to. I want him to rule healthily and brightly forever! If you're healthy, we'll even let you be selfish! (LOL) Aniki, happy birthday! \(‾o‾)/
Posted by
12:45 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Friday, February 1, 2008
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 1/12/2008, 1/13/2008, 1/14/2008, 1/15/2008
I have no umbrella
"But my problem is...
today it's raining and I have no umbrella..."
A singer I love, Yohsui Inoue, sang a song called "I Have No Umbrella."
Today, when I went to the convenience store, I had no umbrella!?
When I finished shopping and left the store, I reached out towards the umbrella stand but I had no umbrella.
I think maybe somebody took it by mistake.
It was a brand new plastic umbrella that I'd just bought when it was raining before.
Well, a plastic umbrella looks just like every other plastic umbrella.
They probably thought that it was theirs.
But, the two plastic umbrellas that were left in the umbrella stand were obviously worn out.
Was it on purpose?
Did they know they were committing a crime?
Left over was a worn-out umbrella and a more worn-out umbrella.
Well, which should I take home?
I was worried...
What would you do?
bought a new umbrella. (T.T)
Also, today, January 12, is Jungle Cruz (LOL), Hikarudo Cruz's birthday.
Hikarudo, happy birthday!
He sent me an e-mail that said he's leaving Brazil today to come to Japan to participate in JAM's live.
I get to see him soon!
Be careful on the way over.
Everyone's looking forward to seeing you.
Let's work hard on the live. (^_^)v
First song
The first time
I sang this year.
I went to Kawaguchi to help Niisan with his first acoustic live of the year.
Strangely, the weather was nice, ha ha.
Niisan, you looked good singing. Good job.
Also, he called me onto the stage, and I sang one song.
Without realizing it, I've sung for the first time this year.
Niisan, thank you!
I'm counting on you this year, too.
Emoticon E
On the highway at 4:30 in the morning
I'm ahead of everybody!!
First thing in the morning, I went to Narita Airport with Kuriboh to see Jungle Cruz (LOL), Hikarudo Cruz, as he arrived in Japan.
But, I'm sleepy... (>_<)
The airplane arrived when it was supposed to.
After we waited for a little bit, he finally came out.
Hikarudo, welcome! (^O^)/
Welcome to Japan!
But, those clothes...
Isn't it kind of cold? (LOL)
How was he?
"Yeah! I'm fine! I forgot all of the coffee that I bought everyone as a souvenir in Paris Airport! Ha ha ha ha ha..."
It's been a long time since I've seen Hikarudo, but he's the same as ever. (^_^)v
Starting tomorrow, let's work hard on the JAM rehearsals!
The path to the beginning of rehearsals
JAM rehearsal
Today's rehearsal studio was about a 20-minute walk from the nearest station.
You go through the shopping district but still...
It sucks. (>_<)
It wasn't just the walking that sucked.
There was so much temptation in the shopping district!
I heard an old lady's voice say "The fried sweet potatoes are delicious!" and I bought some without thinking...
I kept paying attention to the clothing stores.
There was a store selling the plastic models I used to like.
I went here...
And I went there...
Apparently, I like shopping districts.
Because in the city, you don't get much human contact.
Without knowing it, am I looking for human contact?
I'm jealous of the shopping districts in some cities.
Next time I move, I'll pick a city with a good shopping district.
Posted by
6:19 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 1/11/2008, 1/12/2008, 1/13/2008, 1/14/2008, 1/15/2008
From my house, with love...
Yesterday and today were full of preparations for JAM's tour and the Korea event.
Every day, the weather in Tokyo is nice and warm, but according to some information on my BBS, Korea is extremely...cold. (;´ー`)┌ Awww...
By the way, I'm at a certain site. (LOL) There's always delicious-looking Chinese tea, and right here there's good alcohol. (LOL)
I received this bottle from a fan. The mellow and rich flavor makes other alcohol look like water. Wow! This must be the rare "Hagi no Kura Unprocessed Sake." But it's all gone now. (LOL)
A good day to start a trip
Well, I'm finally departing for Korea. I'm getting out good old Mr. Suitcase. Of course I'm looking forward to the live, but I'm always looking forward to hotttttt food. (LOL) Well, I picked a good place to sing for the first time this year. I want to take all of the chances I can this year. Everyone in Korea, wait for me!
Anyohaseyo! 1
Yesterday we got to Korean after 10 PM. Then we drank a little bit.
It wasn't a little bit. (LOL)
So! It's the first stage of this year, and I'm with Mizuki-san.
Rehearsal just finished. I'm looking forward to the show.
I'll work hard zeeeeeeeeetto!
1 "Hello" in Korean
Second day in Korea
Tonight's live was on fire. Everyone said I was great, but the Koreans' passion was great.
At the beginning of the show, the lights over the audience went out and they started doing the "Aniki call" all together. (LOL) "Hey, is it okay for me to come out while this is going on?" I asked. I got kind of impatient (LOL)...but during the SE it became the "Dani call." Honestly, I was relieved. (LOL)
They said that singing and MCing all in Japanese was okay, so I could talk to everybody without stressing.
When I performed alone, from "We Are!" to "Smile," I felt moved and grateful that Japanese anime and tokusatsu songs are loved so much in Korea.
Then, after Mizuki-san's performance, there was an encore. We sang "Psybuster" and "Majinger Z" together.
This was the country that I said I wanted to go to in the survey in the JAM book. I got to go to Korea and it was the first time I performed this year, so 2008 is already looking like a good year! I'll do my best! Everybody in Korea, thank you. Next time, I'll see you as one of the six members of JAM.
And soon I'm going to meet another of the alpha and omega strongest legendary men. (LOL) Two shows 1 with my Shimoseki brother, Yuuzou-san.
1 Not sure on this
I'm home
Yesterday was shopping day in Korea.
The weather was great...but it was -7 degrees. (LOL) From the soles of my feet to the marrow of my bones, I felt frozen.
We went to a lot of different stores and walked around and looked at everything from groceries to clothing.
Of course I looked at the groceries. (LOL) Especially the capsicum (coarsely ground). 500 grams can kill or injure somebody, or not... It was considered a weapon at the airport, and they stopped me and they got angry and pushy with me. (LOL) Yep, Korean power.
And I was delighted that I could have makgeolli every day. (LOL) I got up at 5 AM! As soon as I arrived in Tokyo, I met up with everyone for the JAM rehearsal. The members and the band and the staff were all great! We finished the first day in good shape.
But there's a huge pile of things that I personally need to work on. (LOL) I'll work really hard, so I'm looking forward to it.
I also had a long-awaited reunion with Hikarudo. Let's work together on the tour and do our best!
Posted by
9:45 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 12//26/2007, 12/27/2007, 12/28/2007
One week 2007.
Yesterday, we rehearsed for the Solid Vox party, then I was at the "No Border" trackdown until the middle of the night.
When I thought about trying to make a meaningful, deep work, I became concerned about a lot of things that I hadn't thought about before.
Of course there's a meaning that I want to convey in the lyrics and music, and I want the trackdown and arrangement to have the same intentions.
More than a professional polish, I want there to be a lot of spirit.
I like a soul-shaking scream better than a neat and pretty song.
For me, music is emotional.
I'm that kind of annoying. (LOL)
Oh yeah, starting yesterday I started drinking (?)tea again, and I'm slowly starting to recognize its good effects.
I suddenly understood something a teacher told me. On cold mornings, if you drink (?)tea, your body warms up.
If I do that, I can start the day in a kindhearted mood.
I did a bad thing to Makkun. I wrote in my blog that I was postponing my live but all of Makkun's fans got scared that Makkun wasn't going to do her birthday live, and she received a flood of letters.
I am so sorry. (^^ゞ
My live comes after the two days in Osaka so I postponed my live so that I could have a break for a week.
Among the JAM Project members, Makkun is the one who most values her solo activities, and her sense of balance is spot-on. She's not a pain like I am. (LOL)
However, "No Border" and "Hero" are both masterpieces. ( ̄ー ̄)v
Last night again
I was at the trackdown.
Kondoh-chan did one song, Sakamoto-san did the other. They both worked really hard.
In this society, outside of how the song sounds, the engineer name only appears in small type. It's really a critical job!
Since it's the last job, they often have to work close to the deadline. They also have great influence on how the final product sounds.
But, when I see these people working so hard without complaining to fix the sound up even a little bit, I'm humbled.
When it comes to a job, you can't call yourself a pro just from working when the conditions are good and you're doing fun things.
Matsumoto-san and Kondoh-chan are both amazing. V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
JAM Project official site
renewal V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
And tour extensions. V(* ̄∇ ̄*)VV(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
In Osaka, it's the hall where I went to see my first rock band. It was in 1976, the first time Aerosmith came to Japan. The opening act was Bowwow.
I'm going to sing on that same stage... (┬┬_┬┬)
It's been 31 years since then. I feel like I'm going back to my roots.
Well, next year I'm going to be abroad a lot, so I'm starting to think that I should get a 905 cell phone. V(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
[Here he discusses the merits of the cameras on each phone. I'll skip it because there's a lot that I don't understand.]
Even if I have to take photos myself, my dream is to take and upload pictures over 50,000 pixels. It's a smaaaaaaaaall dream. (LOL)
However, there are a lot of pictures saved on my current phone, and I can't transfer them between models.
If I mail a few at a time to my Mac I'll have to buy software that works like a cell phone.
Meh, oh well. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Posted by
2:33 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 1/7/2008, 1/8/2008, 1/9/2008, 1/10/2008, 1/11/2008
Starting work
Starting today, at my office
work began.
So, first thing in the morning, we had our first all-staff meeting.
Apparently, the staff all relaxed over New Year's.
That's good.
Alright! Playtime is over. (LOL) Starting today, let's work hard all year again! (^.^)/
A lot of New Year's cards arrived at my office.
Thank you. Please continue to support me this year. <(_ _)>
Here's some business-related communication!
Asami-chan and Kuribo: you didn't clean your desk up at the end of the year! The new year has already started, so follow Miyamoto's example and clean properly! Jerks!
Well...I still have to clean my house up properly...
Waaaaaah! (>_<)
it was warm.
It seemed like the end of March.
If it stays like this...
the cherry blossoms will bloom soon.
we still haven't seen any snow.
I wonder if it'll snow this year.
It's supposed to get cold now.
I hope I don't catch cold before the JAM lives.
I have to be careful.
Today is also Kuwagaki-kun's 1 birthday.
Happy birthday.
It's the same birthday as Elvis Presley and David Bowie.
What a waste. (LOL)
Let's both straighten up and work hard.
Let's work together. (^_^)v
1 I translated his name as "Kuma-chan" in Kitadani's diary. I honestly don't really know how to pronounce it...
Things I forgot
Today on the radio
we recorded with a guest.
I left the house with plenty of time to spare.
I soon realized that I'd forgotten my wallet.
That would've been bad...
After that, while I was waiting at the bus stop, I realized that I'd forgotten the MP3 player I always carry.
Oh no...
I had time, so I went back to get it.
I went home and then went back to the bus stop.
Then the next bus came and as I was about to get on it, I realized that this time I'd forgotten my cell phone.
What the heck is going on...
If I don't have my phone, I'm in trouble.
I went back to get it.
So thanks to all that, I lost all of the time I had.
So I barely made it in time... (>_<)
Looks like if I have extra time, I forget things.
Looks like I need to be nervous...
I demolished my hair
An old
I remember those days.
I experienced the world. (LOL)
I wonder how many of the dreams that I had at that time came true.
Well, I'm grateful that I can sing happily today.
And I earnestly hope that I can still sing happily no matter how many decades from now...
Hmm...I wonder if I should grow my hair again.
111 ↑
Today, three 1's are lined up.
If I played pachinko today, would I win?
Well, I don't play pachinko, so it doesn't matter.
I have a premonition that something good is going to happen... o(^0^)o
This morning, I watched "Today's Horoscope Countdown" on TV.
I was 9th...hmmm...not so good... (>_<)
Next up is "Blood Type Champion." How's that?
Third place...wahhh, leave me alone... (T.T)
Well, since I don't believe in fortune-telling, whatever.
However, I spent all day thinking, "What's gonna happen?"
It was just a hunch... (・_・)
But, I wonder if nothing happening was a good thing?
Was it the "good thing" that I'd hoped for?
No way!
If I think about it, there were a lot of little good things that happened today.
Ha ha ha. (^_^)/
Days where nothing happens
Days that go by with no problems are the happiest, right?
Somebody said, "You make a profit just by living!"
It's true.
I'll work hard tomorrow, too!
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 12/28/2007, 12/30/2007, 1/1/2008, 1/6/2008, 1/7/2008,
Hey! What do you mean, rain?! (9 ̄^ ̄)9
Even though the weather's been so nice...furthermore, they're saying it's going to continue until tomorrow do they pinpoint it like that? (LOL)
Today was rehearsal for the party, and then after the final meeting, I went to Nii-san's studio.
I had a lecture on my new home recording equipment--the lecturer was Kageyama-sensei. Hearing what he said was more useful than reading the instructions. The lecture easier to understand...he's so good at teaching!
It was in contrast to his lectures about singing. (LOL) You were a kind teacher. Thank you.
Alright! In preparation for tomorrow, I'm going to drink and go to bed!
Oh yeah, it's sudden, but in our excitement for 2008, we've made an exciting decision! After the long wait (consult JAM's capture book), we're going to Korea. Details are in "News."
Emotions and regret (⌒~⌒;A
Yesterday was the final work? singing? of the year, at the Solid Vox fanclub party. The crowd that came and the celebs and the gentlemen, and the hall and the food and everybody was too wonderful...(LOL) Thank you for an incredibly nice time. When I saw people off I could shake their hands and talk a little bit...I wonder if I'll be able to get even closer to everybody. Thank you so much for everything this year.
Then, immediately after I went to the Solid Vox end-of-year party--I was stuck in the same place. (LOL) The mood was serious. Before we drank, we had a chugging contest with "Strong Tumeric." (LOL) I'm thinking about it now, but...we ate the shop's main dish, but I don't remember what was in the pot. (HA HA) Something happened during the second round of karaoke, too, but...I don't really remember much. (;´ー`)┌
The way I drink alcohol hasn't changed in a long time. I don't have any brakes, and I wind up "ruined"...The people I was drinking with had to take turns taking care of me, and neither one of them could get drunk. (;´ー`)┌
So because of that, I've had the worst hangover all day today. My voice is hoarse and I feel terrible and I can't eat anything.... It took half the day until my body went back to normal. Well, that's how it always is. (LOL)
I was supposed to be at JAM's (new) band's rehearsal, but without my setting one foot outside of my house, New Year's Eve is over. But, I got a message from Hideki that said, "It's just like you!" so I felt better. He's Dany's number 1 big-shot. (LOL) I'm glad that happened.
Starting next year, I want to be more serious and be careful of how I drink alcohol...Because I have to go overseas, I should be careful of my health.
Happy new year!
Everybody, "Happy new year!" Tokyo entered 2008 with beautiful weather.
Everyone who took care of me last year, thank you, and I'm counting on you this year, too.
Yesterday was last year's greatest task! I fought hard--it was a repeat of a repeat. (LOL) I finally succeeded in booting up my M-Box! I can finally take my place among the ranks of the ProTool users.
This year, I want to challenge myself in songmaking using this machine.
In 2008, I'll work harder than I did last year. Please keep your expectations of me...
New machine
I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've updated my diary...since it's New Year's, I tried drinking during the day whenever I want, and eating whatever I want, and sleeping whenever I want. (LOL)
I tried the "useless human being" (LOL) lifestyle for one day...and... felt really dangerous. (゜o゜;)
How terrible...
So I went back to my normal lifestyle and memorized songs for Mizuki-san's event and of course for JAM's tour, and I read the manual for my new machine and fought with it. (LOL) I also worked out a little bit. This year, my physical condition is more important than usual.
Oh yeah! Takagawa School from Yamaguchi is in the high school soccer finals! You can do it!
I'm going to Mizuki-san's 40th-year live today. Happy birthday, Mizuki-san.
Oh yeah! The photo is my new buddy. Smooch! ( ^ З^)-☆
Yesterday I went to Mizuki-san's live. He turned 60, so he sang 60 songs. It was a 5-hour-long live.
However...why are anison singers so young? At concerts and at meetings and at whatever they do, their eyes are just like a young boy's. (LOL)
This year makes 40 years since Mizuki-san's debut. "I'm not at full power yet!" he said.
Please stay just like this in Korea. Good work, and congratulations.
Happy Birthday
Kuwayan!...that is, today was Kuwa-chan's 40th birthday. Happy birthday!
When I went to Solid Vox to get the papers for my visa to Korea, I received a lot of New Year's cards from everybody. Thank you.
Long time no seeeee!
Yesterday I was a guest in Sakura Nogawa's Marshmallow Time. I hadn't seen Sakura-chan since the summer. It's been a very long time. The broadcast is on the day for "No Border" pre-orders, January 22.
After that I went to JAM's new band's your best, new band.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 12/20/2007, 12/21/2007, 12/23/2007, 12/24/2007
A moment's...
Serenity... (only in the morning)
Since recording starts in the evening today, I'm trying to get things done, cleaning up the things I've been neglecting one by one... I'm in the end-of-year spirit. (o^^o)
Before that, I had my morning dose.
Iwa tea that I received from Misato-chan, "大紅袍." (How do you pronounce that?!) Iwa tea is the same species as oolong tea, but it has more of a kick, so maybe that's why I like it. (^▽^)V
Well. First I'm gonna write a report manuscript. Sometimes, handing it in on the day it's due is okay. (LOL)
Then, after that, preparation for the Jumpfest on Saturday. "Sing something that you haven't sung in public before!" they told me. Furthermore, two songs at a time. ( ̄□ ̄;)!! So, as a matter of course, I have to memorize lyrics. ( ̄□ ̄;)!! I'll do my best! (^▽^)V
Oh yeah, isn't this book awesome?
Geshikayo-san, you do so much for us. We're always grateful.
This is a special anison issue. It was way better than I thought it would be; I was shocked. (* ̄▽ ̄*)
Thank you so much. Everyone buy it, okay? The front cover is the latest shot of JAM! (^▽^)V
Also....I don't want to do it, but I think I'm going to postpone my birthday live on February 18. (┬┬_┬┬)
If I tried to do it I probably could, but I've been struggling along so much lately that I feel like I can't right now...
About a month ago, the JAM members all put our pet productions together, and we were incredible, facing 2008.
I talked to the members and asked for them to cooperate more. Isn't each member individually, and the five of them as a group, respected singers? If you're counting on other people to get things done, stop it! That's what I told them. If you think that your singing skill is inferior, fight with all of your life to make it better! That how our conversations usually go.
Then, I also talked to the people in charge of each member's office. (This is important.)
"Since 2008 is going to be a very important year for the JAM Project, please cooperate with complaining!" And, "Don't schedule solo activities near JAM Project's activities! Especially around concert times, in order to increase the members' concentration, unnecessary booking is off-limits!"
I've gone on for too long, but even though I've been doing birthday lives for 20 years, the two-day concert in Osaka is the next day, so I can't do my own live, right?
Knowing this, I'm kind of embarrassed that I've been renting live houses in Osaka and Tokyo.
I lead, so I'm the leader...but I'm still childish.
"What a jerk! Hironobu Kageyama! Grrr!" - The Bosses
But, as I'm writing this, JAM is announcing extended tour dates, so maybe there's time.
The 31st anniversary of my coming to Tokyo.
I'll have my birthday live on April 16. Of course!
After all...
I've been slowly memorizing lyrics, and I'm tired. (LOL)
Soon I'll be like Aniki, where I've made the mistake, but I'll get mad at someone else...but when Aniki does it, it's cute. (^▽^)V
Well, continuing the talk about the birthday live from yesterday. Honestly, it doesn't look like our rehersal time is going to increase, so that's a good reason.
It's impossible to do anything other than acoustic alone. In 2008, I want to make "Higher quality!" my slogan, even in my personal activities. Without regard for my physical fitness, I'm passionate about giving a live full of good content. After all this is over, I'll be okay. (^▽^)V
Right about now, they should be dubbing the string section for the new song in the studio. I wish I could be there. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
But, I have one more song to memorize! Ugghhh! (LOL)
With tomorrow's Jumpfest and the next day's solo acoustic live in Kichijouji, I'll be done with lives for the year.
Everyone, come see me! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Rehearse rehearse rehearse!
I'm here, Makuharimesse! \(‾o‾)/ We're rehearsing for tomorrow. \(‾o‾)/ I feel a little hoarse, but that's no problem! A cold? "Sonna no kankei nee!" I'm okey-dokey! (o^o^o)
This event
At the Jumpfest, I'll be at the Touei Animation booth and Banzai-Namco's booth! It's all gonna be Dragonball! (o^o^o)
I can't remember the new song's lyrics after all... (T_T)
Now I have to stay up all night and memorize them! (o^o^o)
Well, well
Now, for the year's final acoustic live, I'm going to the Star Pines Cafe in Kichijouji.
Yesterday at Makuhari, I sang with my nose all plugged up and my voice funny again. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
About that song, I tried with all my might to memorize it, but the tempo was fast and made me nervous, and it didn't come out right.
I messed up... (* ̄▽ ̄*)
After that, at the Touei Animation booth, I was with Nozawa-san for the first time in a long time, and some other things happened, so Jumpfest was fun after all.
Everyone who came, thank you. You're always so strong. (^▽^)V
Well, anyways, I'll perform tonight's acoustic live in full mind of the fact that it's the last time I'll sing this year. (^▽^)V
The end! (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
I still have songwriting, the fan club end-of-year party, and after-recording (LOL) etc., so work is going to continue until the 30th, but...
for right now, with yesterday's acoustic live, my 2007 ended on a good note. (^▽^)V
Furthermore...last night was a godsend. Because, when I talked my voice was so hoarse I couldn't believe it, but when I sang, my "angel's voice" came out. (LOL)
"Things like this can happen?" I thought. I was the one who was most surprised.
Thanks to that, I was able to sing well enough to satisfy even myself, and with a big, big sense of gratefulness, I was able to complete my last performance of 2007 with great satisfaction.
Everyone who came, thank you so much. People even came from Korea, and everybody was very happy. I am a very very very happy person.
However, because of my voice, MC-ing was really difficult. At one point, I said "Merry Chriksuma." (LOL)
"Who am I, Dani?" I thought. It was embarrassing. Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ
All things considered, it was a really great 30th year.
I want to take this high tension and continue it along to JAM's tour. (^▽^)V
Posted by
1:41 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rising Force - JAM Project (translation)
Lyrics: Masami Okui
Music: Hironobu Kageyama
Arrangement: Daisuke Kikuta
In your voice coming from the darkness,
I found only one truth.
You feel it, don't you? The hot traction
The will to live, endless feelings, memories
It must be arriving there, at the other side of space and time
The cries of the ones who are calling you
The heartbeat pounding through me
Is begging for love, from sadness
An oath that will not lose, fighting spirit dances alone
Flying into the sky on their wings, the protectors
The frozen earth is cracking open
In somebody's arms, in the confused darkness
Get over that now!
(Get over that now!)
Right now, in our hands,
There is only one truth to hold on to
Open your closed eyes and burn with passion
The strength to live, the wounds in your soul, embrace it
From what you always feel to the end of space,
The cries of the ones that are calling you
And the heartbeat pounding through me
And love, I pursue them
The steadily coming, unretreating wall, wrecking it
Without being afraid, change weakness to power
Aiming at my fate, somebody is brandishing
A knife of scorn at my back
I can never cry!
The flowing blood dries my tears
There is only one truth that I can't give up
The frozen earth is cracking open
In somebody's arms, in the confused darkness
But into the chance!
The future placed into our hands
The only truth to hold on to
In your voice coming from the darkness,
I found only one truth.
Japanese lyrics source: LyricWiki
Posted by
2:52 AM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, translation