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Friday, November 30, 2007
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11:13 PM
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Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 11/11/2007, 11/12/2007, 11/14/2007
These two days...
Yesterday was JAM's recording, but actually it was dubbing the music. Daniel, the Dani from Brazil who's famous for having a tattoo of Niisan (LOL) and his friends came to hang out. He showed me his new, real tattoo. It was so pretty! It looked just like Niisan. (LOL)
The Brazilian Dani is a handsome man. Work harder, Japanese Dani! (HA HA)
I'm working on secret lyrics (LOL) and lyrics, song writing, and work for the solo live, so I went to the studio early. In the middle of the night, I finally finished writing the secret lyrics.
Today I went to a performance of Mayumi Tanaka's at Shimokitazawa Honda theater.
I saw Oda-san, who wrote "One Piece," and Yao-san etc. for the first time in a while. Everyone seems busy, same as usual. After the performance, they all ran off. All of the performers did great!
Well, all that's left is the lyrics to the new song. I'll try to make it sweet!
Kuma-chan Wa's....
...interview in my office. I did it together with Chiini. The issue goes out November 25!
Before that, I went shopping for outfits at 109 for the first time in a while. As usual, it was a cross-dresser's paradise. It was full of glamour. (LOL)
The lyrics to the love song....are more difficult than I thought. (;´ー`)┌
Yesterday, for the first time in a long time (LOL), we recorded an episode of Anipara Ongakukan where I was a singing guest.
My song was, of course, "Endless Dream." It was the first time I sang it live on TV, so I was a little nervous, but I sang it okay. It'll air on Wednesday, November 28, so look forward to it, okay?
Anyway, today I wrote lyrics and practiced singing to my own accompaniment all day. Tomorrow's the last rehearsal, so I barely made it... (;´ー`)┌ Good, good. But I still haven't chosen a title. (LOL) I'll just call it "Love Song" for now.
I'm still trying and trying and trying to get the songs to soak into my body.
The picture is a picture I received in a message from Hideki-kun. He discovered a "Dani-kun" in a pet shop! Apparently, he's cheap but....he lives a long time too. (HA HA)
Posted by
11:10 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 11/15/2007, 11/17/2007, 11/18/2007
Adult Shimokita
Yesterday, for a gathering, I went to Shimokita, of course on foot. (^▽^)V
Yamaken-san is two years old than I am. 1
From his lifestyle and his fashion, I think he's pretty adult. In the same town, separate places are completely different from one another.
There's this coffee shop: Shimokita has this kind of thing?
I felt like drinking good coffee for the first time in a long time. (^▽^)V
However, in Shindaikita, the nightlife is festive. We went to Yamaken-san's favorite bar last. Ahh, Shimokita has this kind of calm bar...
Like me, Yamaken-san was relaxed. Around Yamaken-san, time seems to slow down. Maybe this is what an "adult" is...
Yamaken-san is the person who is responsible for giving me my current life.
"Cha-la Head Cha-la." Since the time I was making demos, I knew this song.
So I know it better than anybody. The words and arrangement are amazing.
The one person who gave that melody that arrangement way back then was definitely Yamaken-san, I think.
Since then, I've been in this world for almost 20 years, but I've never felt the kind amazement that I felt the first time I heard that song even once.
The same applies to Yukinojoh Mori-san's lyrics. 2 I was so surprised that my heart seemed to be torn out. (LOL)
He's a person whose head is full of amazing ideas. But he's a normal adult. It's cool. (^▽^)V
Also, today was the JAM Project trackdown. It was the track that I arranged and young musicians recorded. I do what I want to do.
I eat what I want to eat.
I'm going to climb the mountains that I want to climb. ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
1 This is Kenji Yamamoto, who arranged "Cha-la Head Cha-la."
2 The lyrics of "Cha-la Head Cha-la."
Fighting spirit! (^▽^)V
Since yesterday, I've been in bed with a cold.
Since I slept so much, my fever is down, so I'm going now to sing at Kourakuen.
As usual, I can't have other people do this job for me.
I'm going to force out one round of fighting spirit. Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ Mwa ha ha.
Strange energy (LOL)
Because I got sick and then got better just three days ago (LOL), singing was kind of a weird feeling.
I wasn't exhausted or in pain or anything, but it was kind of a slow feeling. "Ah...now....I'm....singing....singing..." like that. (LOL)
But when I got sick like this, I realized that since no one can substitute for me on this job, I had better be careful of my health. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Also, I was lucky that it didn't affect my throat. Last November, I caught a cold that started with a cough and continued into my head through April. It was terrible....so I've been nervous lately. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
Well well, today I'm getting up early, and I'm going to a school festival in Atsuki. It's me and my colleagues, and also Momoi and Chihii. (^▽^)V
Posted by
1:34 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Yakusoku no Chi [The Promised Land] - JAM Project (translation)
Lyrics: Masami Okui
Composition: Yohgo Kohno
Arrangement: Yohgo Kohno
While the sun burns red over the wasteland,
The challenge vanishes from the endless battle.
I believe in you who exists to protect something.
You're brave to continue living in this inescapable destiny.
The night sky you looked up at
Stretches that way into the galaxy
The voice in your heart, it's a bond, it connects us to you.
Go to where the wind dances and let it guide you on my long & winding road
Where should I go?....There's only one thing to believe in:
My dream is, to the future
I just want to send light.
If the deep pits of despair appear before your eyes,
Remember the brave soul whose figure is burned deep into your eyes.
I want to believe in myself, who exists to protect something.
I'm not alone, not when I'm talking about my dream, not when I'm fighting.
The eternal circle of life
always makes its way back to the galaxy
The voice in your heart, follow it. Without being scared, look only ahead.
Don't be afraid! You always live with it, your long & winding road
Keep being proud of yourself.
Your dream makes tomorrow full of light.
The voice in your heart, it's a bond, it connects us...
Go to where the wind dances and let it guide you on my long & winding road
Where should I go?....There's only one thing to believe in:
My dream is, to the future
I want to send light
Don't be afraid! You always live with it, your long & winding road
Keep being proud of yourself.
Your dream makes tomorrow full of light.
Japanese lyrics source: 海尼根不給喝
I found these lyrics via a Google search. If they happen to be wrong, my translation may be wrong too.
Posted by
2:05 AM
Labels: jam project, lyrics, translation
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 11/6/2007, 11/7/2007, 11/8/2007
I'm okay! (LOL)
I'm sorry I worried you! This weekend's deadline for the JAM song and this month's new song for the solo live...and writing lyrics that are still a secret (LOL)...I'm busy with all kinds of things lately.
Today was coverage for Anison Magazine. Even though it was a 3-4 page special feature, I talked for about 12 pages (HA HA). In the middle of the interview, I started to think, "Ah! Do I talk too much?" a little bit...(LOL)
But I'm glad I could say everything I wanted to say. I'm also glad that I could look back objectively on what "Hiroshi Kitadani" has been like until now.
Can I finish all this stuff up neatly? (LOL) It'll all be released during the first 10 days of December. You'll understand everything if you read Anison Magazine. Everyone, look forward to it by all means!
And tomorrow is rehearsal for the solo live.
I'm coming, I'm riding it...
...by Miho Nakayama (LOL)
This is Hideki-kun, his generation doesn't know that song...
Today was rehearsal for my solo live, "Explosion." I tried out many many many things that I've been wanting to try with the acoustic.
I have a feeling that it's gonna be a lot of fun. Of course, once in awhile (LOL) there's gonna be the sound of an explosion. It feels really awesome, maybe. Ahhh...maybe I'm getting old, too. (LOL)
For now, I think you're going to be able to see a "Hiroshi Kitadani" that couldn't be seen until now.
It's OK to expect things from me! Anyway, let's make the 17th awesome.
I can't sleep (;´ー`)┌...
That is, lately, even when I drink heavily before bed, I usually wake up 3 or 4 hours later. Then I think about all kinds of things, like "I have to do this and that," and then I really want to get to work. (LOL) Then I really can't sleep. (;´ー`)┌
Ah....on TV right now, Mino-san is laughing...
So, about this month's new song...I still haven't finished it (;´ー`)┌ I've been thinking, I want to make a love song that warms the winter night sky and the body and the mind like sweeeeet hot cocoa...
So! I'm making a collection of everyone's stories of sweeeeeet romance. Yawwwwwn ( ̄□ヾ) I'm sleepy.
Posted by
12:28 AM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 11/3/2007, 11/4/2007, 11/6/2007
It's Culture Day. 1
So, I'm gonna try thinking about culture.
If I think about culture really hard,
it makes my head hurt. (LOL)
So, I thought about some kind of easy parts of Japanese culture.
What are some things that are representative of Japanese culture?
"Tea ceremonies," "flower arranging," maybe things like that...
Of course, nowadays "anime" is a good representative of Japanese culture.
If you go to a foreign country, the popularity of Japanese anime is amazing!!
If you think about food culture,
"sushi," "tempura," "sukiyaki"...
I like all of those (^_^)v
A long time ago, a foreigner said,
"Why does Japan have so much delicious food?"
Their surprise left a strong impression on me.
I have a lot of likes and dislikes, so when I think about food culture, I think that it's good that I was born Japanese.
On the point of lifestyle culture, maybe there are a lot of foreigners who misunderstand it.
On the other hand, we probably misunderstand a lot about other countries...
Did you know that in some countries' textbooks, the introduction to Japanese culture writes about things like "harakiri," "kamikaze," and "topknot hairstyles"?! What era is that? I was shock-shock-g-shocked.... 2
What? My jokes are in the wrong era too? (>_<)
1 Culture Day is a Japanese holiday in commemoration of...culture.
2. The only "g-shock" I could find that this joke might refer to would be the Casio watches.
Take me for a walk!
The weather's nice!
I'm about to run away...
While we're at it,
Stop coming home drunk and fighting with me!
It's annoying!!
-by Pocchi
Ok, sorry.... (^_^;)
-by Endoh
1 This is pronounced "yoroshiku" but the kanji are different than what "yoroshiku"'s usually are. It seems like this is a more rude way to write it? That's just my guess though. Sorry.
Who is it?
this morning I woke myself up by talking in my sleep. (LOL)
I don't remember what kind of dream I had....
I forgot, but
I remember what I said.
"Get him! Get him!!"
It was obviously a pretty tense dream.
Judging from these words, I was a feudal lord or something.
Maybe some bad guy was trying to kill me?
Anyways, it's good that nothing really happened. (^_^)v
Posted by
4:46 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update, 11/5/2007, 11/6/2007, 11/7/2007, 11/8/2007, 11/9/2007, 11/11/2007, 11/12/2007, 11/13/2007, 11/14/2007
Well, well
Yesterday and today was recording with Kouei-san. I wonder how many songs we've made...maybe just enough for a mini album. (^▽^)V
These days, it's normal for voice actors and actors to sing. They have a lot of fans, after all. (^▽^)V
And, yesterday's thing with Kan-kun(?) was over within two hours, as usual. It wasn't rushed, but it wasn't that relaxed either.
Yeah, definitely...that's about the right length. Because if it were any longer, we'd lose our abilities to concentrate, and we would end up just covering up our mistakes, and it wouldn't be creative.
In those two hours, we recorded two or three, and then went over details. Yep, it was a happy time. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
But, if it were a member of the JAM Project, I wouldn't let them take more than an hour to figure stuff out.
A person who takes more than an hour per song is just wasting money. (LOL)
Kondoh-chan (^▽^)V
Yesterday was the trackdown for Kouei-san's song.
Of course, the engineer was Kondoh-chan.
He coldly turned his back to me. (LOL)
Shanpuu Ouji. Wai Wai World Seamall. And then, right now, right here, the percentage of songs that are Kondoh-chan's is going up. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
For JAM Project too, even if Sakamoto-san does the mix, Kondoh-chan does the vocal recording, so I owe him a lot.
For a singer, an engineer who is talented at vocal recording is important. He's done the recording for more than 600 songs, and you can see it.
These days, I can sing with the engineer who is easiest for me to work with, but in the past, it was almost always hit-or-miss. (LOL)
Now is better. Since I got a job with Lantis, I can work with Nakayama-san, Sakamoto-san, Kondoh-san. I have to be grateful that I can record songs in an unstressful environment.
And, conversely, I hope that our vocal recording doesn't stress the engineers... ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏ (LOL)
About the JAM Project!
As I expected, the JAM Project is my life. I'm going to cherish the process, not the results.
Naturally, this applies to writing songs.
I want to make "No Border" a good song. I want us to be able to confidently say that it's our best.
A song that we think is good. A style that we like. A chord progression that we like. A melody curve that we like. Relief...pride...etc. that we like.
A path that we can walk on without worrying. Haven't we been walking on that path all along? >Have I?
The path that we should be walking on now.
That is, advancing while believing in the uncomfortable first experience of that ocean of sound, relying only in the compass in your heart.
"Open the door. We may find a new JAM Project."
11/7 14:14
Chinese Goods Store (^▽^)V
So yesterday, when I went shopping in the neighborhood, all of a sudden, I discovered a store that sells Chinese tea!
Wow...this kind of store is this close to my house? ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
Without thinking about it, I ended up buying oolong tea and tea-making supplies.
Also, they sold Korean corn tea, but I didn't buy any.
They had a lot of other Chinese teas and tea-making supplies too.
Now, without going to Chinatown or Shimoseki's Alley Run (LOL),
I can drink my favorite tea. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Then, since that happened, I wanted to buy an electric pot that I can boil water in (the one I have now only goes to 98 degrees C). I went to Kojima Denki because I'd heard that Chinese tea should be steamed and shouldn't have a taste from the pot.
But, mwa ha ha, I wound up buying it. After all, the Chinese tea was made in China. (LOL)
When you look at this teapot, your heart calms down.
This is a Korean teapot that I received from a Korean fan when I went to do the live recently in Korea. It has the same kind of pattern as is found in upper China.
And then...how can I describe it...in the porcelain there are a lot of little, old cracks, so it's really beautiful. (^▽^)V
And, this is roasted buckwheat. (^▽^)V
Tea tea tea!! 1 (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Because I didn't really come out of the studio yesterday either, I drank Chinese tea for a change of pace.
Yesterday...oriental beauty, and "white peony" or something like that...I started from the black-tea-like, easy-to-drink group, and then the last ones were the wild, bitter leaf tea. Surfing Chinese tea sure takes a while. (LOL)
This wild, bitter leaf tea tasted better than I thought, so this morning, as soon as I got up, I tried the even more bitter "one leaf bitter leaf tea," but...
Ugh.....it's...it's...bitter. ┓( ̄∇ ̄;)┏
It was like the "senburi tea" you drink in a funny "batsu game."
Yuck, it was really bitter. I made a mistake in measuring...I used too much. (LOL)
Well, I'll try my best today too!
1 It's a pun--it means "tea tea tea," but it's pronounced "cha cha cha!"
Dekkon V (^▽^)V
Yesterday, I had some things to do, so I went to Solid Vox. When the elevator came down, there was a mat in the entranceway with the company's name on it.
I never noticed it till now.
Also, a present from Kim-san of South Korea's New Type Editorial arrived.
Dekkon V!
Because he promised he'd send it to me on my last night in Seoul.
I'm happy. (^▽^)V
Even though it's raining...
I forgot to change the ends of my windshield wipers, and I went all the way to Yokohama hearing "squeaky squeaky." (^▽^)V
It was a JAM Project recording. We replaced the drum, bass, and guitar, and the keyboard, in "Shuraki," which I arranged. Of course, this guitar track was better than the one I played. (LOL) But, we left my guitar in a few places. That's what you get! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ Kya ha ha.
And then, of course, we also replaced the harmonica that I played. (LOL) Since no one was there, Inoue-kun played it. All of the estimated tens of thousands of Pocky 1 fans all over the country are gonna buy this, huh? ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
And then, my friend came to hang out at the studio.
It was Daniel, all the way from Sao Paulo. (^▽^)V
That's right, I'll never forget Daniel's face my whole life. (LOL)
He was lost and made his way to the fifth floor of the Landmark Plaza, and then he called my cell phone and I went to meet him outside of the studio, but he came running from far away and gave me a big hug. That's dangerous, Daniel. We're both men. (LOL)
Daniel's careful. "Isn't my coming an interruption?" He kept saying that. Kind of like an old-time Japanese person. (LOL)
He's working in Japan for a little bit and he's studying Japanese, so he can come hang out!! Hika 2 is coming in a month, too, so it'll be fun. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
1 Shunji Inoue was "Pocky," the keyboardist, in Lazy.
2 Ricardo Cruz
Today, too...
I was pretty much in the studio all day. I have no choice but to give myself more hurdles. Yeah, it's hard. But, I'm happy that it's finished. My happiness overpowers the difficulty. Ah, I have that kind of masochistic life. ( ● ^ - ^ ● )
I changed my shampoo.
Onstage at a school festival, when I said that I use xxxx, a beautician that I know said "That shampoo you use has all kinds of stuff in it and it clogs up your pores and makes your hair fall out."
Well, when my time comes, I want to live like Chiharu Matsuyama 1, but I don't want to talk on the phone to strange companies and wear hats and bandannas.
But just in case, I want to do what I can. (LOL) I changed to "Soap Shampoo," with no additives.
But, check this out. After I shampooed, when I touched my hair, it made a sound.
When I was a kid, when I washed my face with soap, it made that sound...yeah, I'm a relic from the Showa era. ヽ( ̄▼ ̄*)ノ
1 Chiharu Matsuyama
11/13 14:33
Re re re?
When I went into the green room, they were there!
I thought it was a delivery but it was a guest... (LOL)
11/13 17:30
Long time no see!
Mikuni-chan's turn is over! \(~o~)/ She's as cute as usual, and her singing's good too! Mikuni's the best! ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ
Change! Charge! Challenge!!!
The Live House where we recorded the Anipara live was underground. This building's dry area.
It's the only place where you can get cell phone service. So, there was always someone talking there.
Doesn't this look like a gremlin's house?
Somebody was always saying that. (LOL)
So, yesterday's Anipara guest was Dani and Mikuni-chan. Both of them talked with all their might.
Especially Dani, he's like my kid. (LOL) When I see him frantically singing the Yuugioh song, I kind of want to help him step up.
This isn't just as the chief of production. It comes from my own experiences as well. After all, being an artist isn't just about being able to sell or not being able to sell; the most happiness comes from figuring out your own ideal style.
So, let's fight next year. Let's fight to change our awareness (this is important), and learn new skills, and be reborn. (^▽^)V
The Manga Trio is out of business. "Flip out on Endoh and step all over him." I'm going to work harder on this. (LOL)
Also, tonight is the launch of "Shanpuu Oujisan." The anime is just beginning, but there is a party now because the people who made it are done.
With this job came friends who aren't involved with JAM Project. Mika-chan, Kuuko-chan, Sukee, Yukachan...everyone did a good job. I'm proud of you, as a friend.
Artists are sensitive and work hard to get their message out! If they aren't, they're just mere perfomers. It's boring.
So, for us, it's a Change! Charge! Challenge!! Fortune favors those who take risks. (^▽^)V
Posted by
2:46 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update, 11/2/2007 and 11/3/2007
Sorry for the delay! I know I'm not caught up with Kageyama yet! I hope he doesn't do any more nine-post days before I can catch up! :) -Elsa
11/2 16:13
These guys!
They're addicted to their cell phones! ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ 2 more hours until showtime! So long...( ̄〜 ̄;) (LOL)
11/2 17:29
Soon (●´∀`●)/
Showtime! Today, Momoi and Minami-chan are with us too! Hey hey hey! ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ
11/2 20:25
It's over \(‾o‾)/
School festivals are strangely liberating...
I'll work hard tomorrow too! ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ
11/2 21:42
Finally, Shibuya! Wherever I go, I'm always relieved when I get back to this neighborhood! Good work today! So everybody, let's be loud and "let's drink beer!" 1
1 This is in English in Kageyama's diary.
11/2 22:01
Gah ha ha
Glowing amber!
An hour of bliss!
I'm grateful to everybody!
11/2 22:17
Mwa ha ha
A deep garnet color.
Glowing with bliss.
Yep, mandom! 1
1 As in, "the state of being a man."
11/2 22:34
The ultimate pizza, the cuatro frommage! Put honey on a grilled pizza with 4 kinds of cheese and eat it!
A moment of bliss!
11/2 22:48
Re re re! 1
1 I get a 404 error when I try to view this diary! So, no translation. Let me know if it comes back up. I'm kind of curious to see what it says, because Kageyama must've been pretty drunk when he wrote it.
11/3 13:27
Autumn's who?
I'm back. Right now is the break after rehearsal at Tsunadama's Nichidaiseisankougakubu! (●´∀`●)/ Today we're in Hanno, so I feel good. \(~o~)/
11/3 18:31
A capella!
Nichidaiseisankougakubu's school festival live, "Beautiful Fever" 1, passionately ended! ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ I did a session with Minori Mehara and Minen (?) Yume, and I sang a song with the two of them a capella during an surprise encore. It was a live I won't forget! Oh yeah, on a personal note, during the climax of "Shanpuu Ouji," even though it was the first time they heard it, the audience did the "daisuki" call and response! It made me happy, senor! \(‾o‾)/
1 I think this is a pun. The kanji are "美熱" (beauty+hot) instead of "微熱" (fever).
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Hiroshi Kitadani Diary Update - 11/2/2007 and 11/3/2007
It came!
Finally my new Mac came.
But it's going to be difficult from now on. I have to set a whole bunch of preferences, and I'm terrible at it. I don't read instructions. I just do it right the first time, I don't practice (LOL)
The deadline for JAM's new song is near, so I still need Mr. Mac to do his best digital performance for me!
So, yesterday was the solo live rehearsal. The acoustic was good. Because it wasn't loud. (ha ha) But the title is "Explosion"...are we really going to end it with the acoustic?
And today I'm going to the first school festival.
School Festival
It brings back good memories, campus life... (HA HA)
Honestly, I never really participated in a school festival. In those days, I went to Joukyou Douji University for the purpose of seeing Seikima II 1, and then I was debuting with Lapis 2, I think...
However, I was surprised when I saw the stage in this gymnasium! "I-i-i-i-it's huuuuuuuge!" And the ceiling, "I-i-i-i-i-it's hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!" And the acoustics and the lighting, "A-a-a-a-a-awwwwwwwesome!"
And then the show finally started, and the audience's passion was "Aaaaaaaaaaaawesome!" Their dancing and their singing and their glowstick-waving (LOL) 3 songs wasn't enough. Let me sing more! (LOL)
The young members of the executive committee also really loved anison. They were good kids.
Thank you for a fun day. Today I was uncharacteristically late. Everybody, I'm sorry for inconveniencing you. Also, good job today.
It took me 3 hours to get there and one hour to get back. I can't read Tokyo's subway maps...
1 Apparently it's a band.
2 Kitadani's band, Lapis Lazuli.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Labels: diary, hiroshi kitadani, translation
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Masaaki Endoh Diary Update - 11/1/2007 and 11/2/2007
Starting today
it's November.
It came so soon!
I still have to do this and that...in a heartbeat, the year is going to end!
Oh no!
A lot of items are rising in price, sir!
Regular gasoline is 150 yen a liter!
So expensive!
There's also gas and electricity, right? And curry and snacks and pet food and...
It also looks like the price of beer is going to go up...
The prices of this and that is going up, going up, going up....hurry up, housewives!
Prices are going up but it's necessary for the products themselves...there's nothing we can do.
Oh no!
If I take advantage of this flood of price raises, I wonder if I my guaranteed salary will go up... (^_^;)
School festival
At Bunkyo University's 40th festival
I sang.
It was only 3 songs, but it was fun.
I like school festivals.
I never went to school, so....hmmm....what is it? Maybe campus life? I want to experience it. (^O^)
If I'd gone to college, would my life be different? When I think about that....
Mm, but maybe even if I'd done that, I would still be singing songs after all. (LOL)
Anyway, everybody, good job today! m(__)m
People who came from far away just to see us--I'm happy! Thank you! (^.^)b
The executive committee who took care of us and the staff, thank you!
Take care of yourself! \(^O^)/
Posted by
1:19 PM
Labels: diary, masaaki endoh, translation
Friday, November 2, 2007
Hironobu Kageyama Diary Update - 11/1/2007 and 11/2/2007
Full days
Well, right now, I'm starting work on "No Border."
All that's decided on is the title. What we should write in that blank "file" is all based on our whims.
I told the members of the JAM Project the same thing.
We didn't discuss the kind of sound we're aiming for like we usually do.
It's free. All free. Completely blank. (LOL)
Also, the "Wai Wai World Seamall" album arrived.
It's not for sale, but as always, I worked hard to have this package sent to my home. You can really feel the emotions that went into the songwriting and recording. It makes me happy.
One more thing: the fanclub renewal record, a cell phone cleaner.
It's cute, isn't it? (^▽^)V
Well, tomorrow and the next day are the school festival circuit again. Tomorrow is Bunkyou University. It seems like it'd be in Bunkyouku, but the campus we're performing at is in Koshitani.
Endoh, Dani, Momoi, and Minami-chan are performing too.
I'm really happy that I could have my voice heard at so many universities this year.
So, I'm going to try my best to live up to everyone's expectations. (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
We're here, Koshitani!
In an almost-scrap Mercedes Benki (LOL), we're going to Bunkyou University's school festival! \(~o~)/ There's a lot of traffic. ( ̄~ ̄;)
Posted by
2:42 AM
Labels: diary, hironobu kageyama, translation
Thursday, November 1, 2007
JAM Project Press Conference!
I just translated a report on the JAM Project's recent press conference for Anime Friends! They discuss their new single, their all-Japan tour, and their WORLD TOUR! Portuguese and Japanese versions are also up! Check it out!
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: jam project, translation